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Новости за 13.09.2017

Officials: 1 killed during helicopter training at Fort Hood

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An HH-60M helicopter crew with the 1st Infantry Division based at Fort Riley, Kansas was conducting medical evacuation hoist training, when a person was killed on the range south of Robert Gray Army Airfield.

Lawsuit targets searches of electronic devices at US border

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A federal lawsuit filed Wednesday claims the U.S. government's growing practice of searching laptops and cellphones at the border is unconstitutional because electronic devices now carry troves of private personal and business information. The government has vociferously defended its searches as critical to protecting the homeland.

FEMA insurance chief: Harvey losses could top $11 billion

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The head of the National Flood Insurance Program said Wednesday early estimates show Hurricane Harvey will result in about $11 billion in payouts to insured homeowners, mostly in southeast Texas.

15 Marines injured in Camp Pendleton training incident

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Fifteen Marines were being treated for injuries after their amphibious assault vehicle caught fire Wednesday morning during a training operation at Camp Pendleton, according to the Marine Corps.

High school shooting in Washington state kills 1, injures 3

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A shooter opened fire at a high school in a tiny town in Washington state Wednesday, killing one student, injuring three others and sending worried parents to the school in a frenzied rush, authorities said.

Ground broken for veterans memorial wall in Illinois

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Highland officials and members of the American Legion Post 439 and Veterans of Foreign War Post 5694 gathered at Dennis H. Rinderer Park for the ceremonial start to construction of the Wall of Remembrance and Honor.

US is said to test support for extending Iran nuclear limits

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is consulting U.S. allies in Europe as he seeks a way to toughen restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program a month before President Donald Trump faces a deadline to decide whether to walk away from what he’s called “the worst deal ever.”

Why did one of the US Navy's most advanced subs return to port with a pirate flag?

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An image posted to a Pentagon media site and tweeted by Scottish journalist Ian Keddie, shows the USS Jimmy Carter, a Seawolf-class nuclear-powered submarine, returning to her home port in Washington Tuesday flying the American flag alongside the unmistakable pirate skull and crossed bones, known as the Jolly Roger.

New Mexico base seeks expanded training space for flights

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Holloman Air Force Base officials say their array of flight training areas in southern New Mexico is outdated and that some need to be expanded, reshaped and relocated – changes that would have jet fighters flying over sparsely populated rural areas not now used for that purpose.

6 die at Florida nursing home in Irma's sweltering aftermath

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Six patients at a sweltering nursing home died in Hurricane Irma's aftermath, raising fears Wednesday about the safety of Florida's 4 million senior citizens amid widespread power outages that could go on for days.

Nearly 30,000 servicemembers involved in Irma response

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The Pentagon has mobilized nearly 30,000 military personnel for recovery operations along Hurricane Irma’s devastating path from the U.S. Virgin Islands up to the eastern mainland, where it carried tropical storm-strength winds north of Atlanta, defense officials said Wednesday.

US bans use of Kaspersky security software by federal agencies

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The U.S. government on Wednesday banned the use of a Russian brand of security software by federal agencies amid concerns the company has ties to state-sponsored cyberespionage activities, according to U.S. officials.

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Thousands evacuated across Russia after wave of bomb threats

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Nearly 100,000 people have been evacuated from airports, schools and government buildings across Russia, including an iconic department store on Red Square, amid a wave of fake bomb threats that officials called unprecedented.

NATO allies dispute size of planned Russian war games

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Germany is one of several NATO members who dispute Moscow's version that only 12,700 troops will take part in the drills. Ursula von der Leyen, its defense minister, said Russia has committed more than 100,000 troops to the war games.

Senate rejects bipartisan push for new US war authorization

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The Senate on Wednesday rejected a bipartisan push for a new war authorization against the Islamic State and other terrorist groups, electing to let the White House rely on a 16-year-old law passed after the Sept. 11 attacks as the legal basis to send U.S. troops into combat.

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