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Новости за 28.09.2017

Navy football is piling up wins despite youth and injuries

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Despite his track record as the longest-tenured, winningest coach in Navy football history, Ken Niumatalolo wasn't exactly expected to have the Midshipmen barreling toward a 4-0 start to a season that began with whispers of the dreaded word "rebuild."

Woman saved by rescue swimmer, Coast Guard

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Police say a woman was saved by a rescue swimmer and the U.S. Coast Guard after she was swept into the water by high surf in Narragansett.

Catalans say secession vote to happen, they hope peacefully

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Authorities in Catalonia intend to ensure that a disputed referendum on independence from Spain will take place peacefully on Sunday despite a crackdown on the vote by the national government, the region's interior chief said Thursday.

Pearl Harbor museum dedicates plane to historic pilot

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The 42nd airplane obtained by the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor, an F-16A Fighting Falcon, was dedicated Wednesday to a former Hawaii commander who made history with the first “MiG” kill using the F-16.

Removal begins of 39 boats sunken, damaged during Irma

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The U.S. Coast Guard is overseeing an operation that has turned the waterfront into a spectacle with two big cranes that hoists boats to the surface or out of the marsh and onto a flatbed truck that hauls them to a dump site.

Sea critters hitchhiked across the Pacific on tsunami debris

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Nearly 300 species of fish, mussels and other sea critters hitchhiked across the Pacific Ocean on debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami, washing ashore alive in the United States, researchers reported Thursday.

US: Iraq Kurdish referendum distracting from mission to defeat ISIS

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Mounting tensions between Iraq’s government and the nation’s Kurdistan region after the semi-autonomous northern region voted overwhelmingly this week for independence have distracted fighters from their mission to defeat Islamic State militants, a U.S. military spokesman said Thursday.

4 lawmakers demand US withdrawal from Saudi-led war in Yemen

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Two House Republicans and two Democrats have introduced a bill that would halt U.S. military assistance to the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen on the grounds that Congress has never approved the American role in the war.

Suspect charged with taking $2.8 million in bribes as US contracting officer

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A federal grand jury returned an indictment Thursday charging Duane Nishiie and South Korean national Seung-Ju Lee, 50, with conspiracy, bribery, wire fraud, money laundering and lying in connection with the awarding of two contracts that are part of a massive, ongoing U.S. Army relocation project in South Korea.

'Devastating': Travel rules leave Iranian-Americans in limbo

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U.S. Navy veteran Mohammed Jahanfar has traveled overseas four times in the last year to visit his Iranian fiancée, most recently hoping to complete government paperwork that would allow her to come live with him in the United States. He now fears they will be forever separated after President Donald Trump's administration rolled out new restrictions blocking most Iranians from traveling to America.

Trump, Ryan clear the way for government cash to Puerto Rico

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As President Donald Trump waived federal restrictions on foreign ships delivering cargo, House Speaker Paul Ryan said the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief account will get a $6.7 billion boost by the end of the week.

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Iraqi Kurdish region faces isolation after independence vote

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The backlash from an independence referendum approved by Iraq's Kurds this week has left the northern Kurdish region increasingly isolated from Baghdad, and the crisis sparked by the vote appears poised to intensify.

Yes, Trump can revoke national monuments

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It is fitting that the broad consensus required to establish a national park translates into more difficulty to reverse its establishment — just as it is appropriate that monuments that a term-limited president creates unilaterally can be modified easily.

About Kushner’s email problem …

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If you thought Clinton’s emails were a scandal last year, can you argue now that Kushner’s private server is nobody else’s business? And if you thought Clinton’s emails were no big deal, are you willing to give the president’s son-in-law the benefit of the doubt as well?

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«Вспомните фильмы, на которых они росли»: рэпер Серега допустил негативное влияние кино на Пугачеву


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