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Новости за 09.09.2017

Woolfolk scores 2 TDs in 4th, Army beats Buffalo 21-17

Stars and Stripes 

Darnell Woolfolk scored on a pair of 1-yard runs in the fourth quarter to lead Army past Buffalo 21-17 on Saturday. The victory for Army (2-0) avenged an overtime loss to the Bulls a year ago.

Gen. 'Mad' Anthony Wayne Day idea stirs mixed feelings

Stars and Stripes 

Gen. "Mad" Anthony Wayne appears to have been a destroyer as a general but an honorable treaty negotiator, a member of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma said. Others describe him as a racist and slave owner, and a man who was failure in civilian life who spent part of his time drinking at bars and, though married, chasing after young women.

Tajikistani officials are texting women to tell them what to wear

Stars and Stripes 

If you have a phone in Tajikistan, odds are you've received a text message reminding you what not to wear. In: "national" Tajik dress, now required by law at all "traditional" gatherings. Out: the hijab, and other kinds of Muslim dress.

North Korean threat has Hawaii re-evaluating nuclear risk

Stars and Stripes 

The state of Hawaii is recalculating the effects of a nuclear missile strike on the isles after North Korea conducted what experts believe was a more than 100-kiloton nuclear test that may have been a hydrogen bomb.

Irma shifts: The prime target is now Tampa, not Miami

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With the window closing fast for anyone wanting to escape, Irma hurtled toward Florida with 125 mph winds Saturday on a shifting course that took it away from Miami and instead threatened the first direct hit on the Tampa area from a major hurricane in nearly a century.

Cruise ship heads into unknown after detour because of Irma

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When they first boarded the Norwegian Escape a week ago, passengers knew exactly where they were going. Now they have no idea. The cruise ship, with about 4,000 guests on board, departed from Miami on Saturday, Sept. 2, and was scheduled to return a week later, after making stops in Honduras, Belize and Mexico.

Worst Florida damage from Irma in could be from storm surge

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The biggest danger to life and property from Hurricane Irma could come from storm surge that forces seawater inland, which could topple houses, isolate residents who don't evacuate and make drowning an imminent threat, the National Hurricane Center is warning.

Toxic sites in likely path of Irma

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Dozens of personnel from the Environmental Protection Agency worked to secure some of the nation's most contaminated toxic waste sites as Hurricane Irma bore down on Florida. The agency said its employees evacuated personnel, secured equipment and safeguarded hazardous materials in anticipation of storm surges and heavy rains.

Aviano's win total already better than last year's

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Mason Shine, Pablo Cervantes and Mickey Moore each scored two touchdowns for the Saints, which didn't win a game a season ago, in a 40-12 victory over AFNORTH-Brussels.

Stuttgart overcomes jitters, Kaiserslautern

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Key second-half plays included a touchdown run by Devon Burton and a pair of touchdown tosses from new quarterback Chris Magalona to Sabriel Ashley and Gabe Simpson.

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Певица Анастасия Стоцкая появилась на публике в откровенном наряде

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Muslim landowner took in dozens of Christians to protect them from Islamic militants

Stars and Stripes 

When the first artillery fire rang out, Norodin Lucman thought of the four workers repairing a cellphone tower on his sprawling property. He sent one of his daughters to tell the men to come in. Militants had stopped another group of cell tower workers and demanded they recite the shahada, a Muslim proclamation of faith. The men were Christians and failed the test.

Feds on standby to swoop in from land and sea with Irma relief

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FEMA has around 5 million meals and 5 million liters of water with other relief supplies packed inside trucks at an air base in Alabama. It has mobilized eight sophisticated search-and-rescue teams to stand by in Georgia and by the eve of the arrival of Hurricane Irma on Friday, moved about 300 extra federal employees into Florida.

Syrian army in race with US-armed fighters for eastern Syria

Stars and Stripes 

U.S.-backed Syrian fighters launched an offensive against the Islamic State group in eastern Syria along the border with Iraq on Saturday, bringing them into a race with government forces marching in the same direction against the extremists in their last major holdout in the war-torn country.

Pope embraces Colombian victims, ex-fighters in peace bid

Stars and Stripes 

Pope Francis brought together thousands of victims of Colombia's half-century-long conflict with their former victimizers, presiding over a prayer for reconciliation Friday in hopes of solidifying the country's peace process and healing still-fresh wounds.

Спорт в России и мире

Результаты забега на 5 км на Московском полумарафоне. Аплачкина и Голоктионов установили рекорды соревнований


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