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Новости за 12.09.2017

New law not needed for Islamic State fight, White House official says

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The Trump administration has adequate legal authority to combat terrorist groups and doesn't support a push in Congress for a new law permitting military action against the Islamic State and other militants, a senior White House official said Tuesday.

Aleppo still badly scarred by war, months after rebel defeat

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Eight months after Syrian forces recaptured Aleppo, many neighborhoods in the formerly rebel-held sector still look like ghost towns. Only rarely is a family seen sitting on white plastic chairs outside the rubble.

Sen. Reed wants Congress to authorize military base closings

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U.S. Sen. Jack Reed said he wants Congress to authorize a new round of military base closings. The Rhode Island Democrat filed an amendment with Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain to the Senate's defense authorization bill for fiscal 2018 on Monday to authorize a round of base closures and realignments, starting in 2019.

New law not needed for ISIS fight, White House official says

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The Trump administration has adequate legal authority to combat terrorist groups and doesn't support a push in Congress for a new law permitting military action against the Islamic State and other militants, a senior White House official said Tuesday.

Former Army Ranger fights Hurricane Harvey, cancer

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Former Army Ranger Matt Meloni wouldn't let a burst appendix, cancer treatment and wading through waste-high floodwaters and raw sewage keep him from reaching a Houston hospital.

The 3 big questions Equifax has not answered

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As pressure builds on Equifax to explain how criminals hacked into a massive trove of data on 143 million Americans, the list of unanswered questions is long. But most boil down to three big ones:

Thousands of stranded Syrians flee border camp near Jordan

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Syrian opposition activists and witnesses said Tuesday that several thousand Syrians stranded on the border with Jordan have fled one makeshift camp for another, running from shelling and nearby fighting between Syrian rebels and government forces.

Syria signs Aleppo power plant contract with Iran

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Syria's government signed a contract with an Iranian company on Tuesday to import five gas-fired power plants to the war-battered city of Aleppo, in an early sign of the major role Tehran is expected to play in Syria's reconstruction.

Arab feud over Qatar boils over at Cairo meeting

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A Qatari diplomat says "dogs" backed by "some regimes" are waging a media campaign against his country, a thinly veiled jab at Gulf countries that drew a sharp rebuke at an Arab League meeting.

Report: Egypt cuts military ties with North Korea

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Egypt's defense minister, on a visit to Seoul, announced that his country has cut military ties with North Korea, according to a report by South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

Lawmakers: 'Unreliable' VA mail data a symptom of larger issues

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A House subcommittee criticized the Department of Veterans Affairs on Tuesday for inaccurate and unreliable reporting of how much it spends on mail, which lawmakers contended is a sign of larger management issues at the agency.

After Irma, Florida's evacuees contemplate return trip

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After Florida Gov. Rick Scott urged more than 6.5 million residents, one out of four of his constituents, to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Irma, a potential reverse migration from across the Southeast raises new worries of jammed roadways amid uncertain gasoline supplies, empty grocery store shelves, standing water and widespread power outages that in heavily damaged areas could last for weeks.

Europe leaders view devastated islands as locals struggle

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France's president and the Dutch king visited Caribbean territories on Tuesday that were hammered by Hurricane Irma, trying to quell accusations by residents that European governments were unprepared, slow to react and sometimes even racist in their responses to the devastation.

Russia touts Syrian gains 2 years after intervention

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Russia's military said Tuesday that Syrian troops have retaken about 85 percent of the territory once controlled by militants, a major turnaround two years after Moscow intervened to lend a hand to its embattled ally.

Iraqi Kurdish leader defends independence vote

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The leader of Iraq's Kurdish region defended an independence referendum planned for later this month during a visit Tuesday to the oil-rich Kirkuk province, the epicenter of a long-running dispute with the central government.

How 'American Assassin' took a long, twisting path to film

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After twists and turns worthy of the very spy series it sprung from, a movie featuring the indomitable fictional terrorism fighter Mitch Rapp is about to hit movie screens nationwide — four years after his creator, author Vince Flynn, died from prostate cancer.

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Юрий Лоза

«Это теперь не россияне»: Юрий Лоза прокомментировал намерение Хаматовой вернуться

Персональные новости
Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Irma kills 3 in South Carolina and 2 in Georgia

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The remnants of Hurricane Irma forced Atlanta's international airport – the world's busiest passenger airport – to cancel nearly 200 flights early Tuesday. The storm also claimed three lives in South Carolina and two in Georgia.

Irma claims dozens of lives across Caribbean, United States

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The scope and scale of misery caused by Irma continues to grow, including its human toll. Irma, at one point the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the open Atlantic, has claimed the lives of dozens of people across the Caribbean and southeastern United States.

'Worst ever seen': European leaders view devastated islands

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France's president and the Dutch king visited Caribbean territories on Tuesday that have been hammered by Hurricane Irma, trying to quell accusations by residents that European governments were unprepared, slow to react and sometimes even racist in their responses to the devastation.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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