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Новости за 27.09.2017

SNES Classic packs a lot of nostalgia, gaming history in small package

Stars and Stripes 

In just a couple of days, Nintendo will unleash its Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic system on a very suspecting world. This follow-up to last year’s massively sought-after NES Classic is already selling out through pre-orders from vendors across the world.

Vital hurricane hunter plane has failed three times in past 8 days, has no backup

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A Gulfstream jet, which collects critical data for hurricane forecasts, was flying through Hurricane Maria's swirling winds Monday when the seal on the cabin door failed, emitting a loud noise. The mission was aborted, and the crew returned to NOAA's Aircraft Operations Center — wearing oxygen masks.

US slaps 220 percent duty on Canada's Bombardier jets

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The Commerce Department slapped duties of nearly 220 percent on Canada's Bombardier C Series aircraft Tuesday in a victory for Boeing that is likely to raise tensions between the United States and its allies Canada and Britain.

Trump mulls cargo waiver for Puerto Rico as criticism builds

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Under pressure to do more to help hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump said Wednesday his administration was considering waiving a little-known federal law that prohibits foreign-flagged ships from shuttling goods between U.S. ports.

Iran FM scolds Trump for tweet, rules out nuke renegotiation

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"We need to check our facts before we make statements," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in an interview with The Associated Press. "It worries me that people play with facts and produce alternative facts."

UN refugee agency alarmed over attack on Rohingya refugees

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The UN refugee agency said Wednesday that it is alarmed by a mob attack on Rohingya Muslim refugees in Sri Lanka as senior government officials called for stern legal action against the perpetrators that included Buddhist monks.

Parris Island drill instructor brings his blue collar sound to Lowcountry gigs

Stars and Stripes 

hen he would go on a mission in Afghanistan, he’d tuck the picture inside his body armor, and fold up the card and carry it in his backpack. The card, a February 2011 Valentine that Amanda Bublitz sent to her husband, Jake, was more like a poster. Big. “Obnoxious,” he might say.

Coroner's report adds some details on Otto Warmbier's death

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A newly released coroner's report couldn't determine what led to the fatal brain damage of a young Ohioan detained for more than a year by North Korea, accused of torturing him by his parents and President Donald Trump.

Philippine official: Duterte's bank accounts being probed

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte respects a reported investigation being conducted by an anti-graft agency of allegations that he has undeclared wealth hidden in bank accounts, his spokesman said Wednesday, adding "the president has nothing to hide."

Senators: More must be done to reduce vet suicides

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A boost in medical providers and resources, greater awareness of mental illness within the military and improving the treatment of exiting servicemembers could help combat a disturbing trend of increased suicides among veterans, lawmakers said Wednesday.

Shulkin testifies on veteran suicide prevention efforts

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In light of a recent government report on suicides among military veterans, the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs hosted a panel of experts to discuss what could be done to combat the increasing and worrisome trend.

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USS Saratoga veterans gather in upstate NY for reunion

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Navy veterans who served aboard the two aircraft carriers named after the Battles of Saratoga are gathering near where the Revolutionary War battles were fought 240 years ago this fall.

Ravens national anthem singer resigns amid controversy

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Odoms time in Afghanistan produced his initial contact with the team, as Odoms was introduced to Ravens Coach John Harbaugh when the latter visited his base in Kandahar. According to the Ravens' website, Odoms had told the coach that he'd like to become the team's next anthem singer, then won a contest the following year for just that position.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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