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Новости за 21.09.2017

Army 'beat up pretty good' heading into Tulane

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The aftermath of Army's 38-7 loss was the one that Coach Jeff Monken and his staff had hoped to avoid. The Black Knights head to Tulane on Saturday with some key injuries.

Facebook to release Russia ads to Congress amid pressure

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Facebook says the company will provide the contents of 3,000 ads bought by a Russian agency to congressional investigators. The move comes as the company has faced growing pressure from members of Congress to release the content of the ads.

Mexico shocked by news: Girl trapped in rubble didn't exist

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News media, officials and volunteer rescuers all repeated the story of "Frida Sofia" with a sense of urgency that made it a national drama, drawing attention away from other rescue efforts across the quake-stricken city and leaving people in Mexico and abroad glued to their television sets.

Filipino protesters slam martial law, killings under Duterte

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Thousands of protesters marked Thursday's anniversary of the 1972 declaration of martial law by late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos with an outcry against what they say are the current president's authoritarian tendencies and his bloody crackdown on illegal drugs.

Irma, now Maria: US Caribbean communities rush to send aid

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West Indian communities around the United States are stepping up to get help for the islands of the Caribbean ravaged by the wind and waters of hurricanes Irma and Maria, including those in places in the southern United States that were hit hard themselves.

3 rescued, 1 dead on boat that went missing in Hurricane Maria

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The U.S. Coast Guard says a woman and two children were rescued from a boat that went missing off Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria, but a man died aboard the vessel. His body was not retrieved and the boat capsized.

US, Russian generals met to discuss ISIS operations in Syria

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Generals with the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State met face-to-face with their Russian counterparts recently to discuss ways to keep forces they support in Syria separated on a shrinking battlefield, a U.S. military spokesman said Thursday.

Big guns, better chow for US soldiers on Russia deterrence mission

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At a camp nestled in Lithuania’s remote, rainy forests, a platoon of artillerymen settled into a cycle: maintain the howitzers, work out and chow down on palate-pleasing international field rations as they wait for the order to fire.

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Филипп Киркоров

Киркоров оштрафован на 6 тыс. рублей за неуплату другого штрафа

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Trump vows more sanctions over North Korea's nuclear buildup

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President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday aiming to tighten an economic noose around North Korea, days after he threatened to "totally destroy" the country if forced to defend the United States or its allies.

Migrant boat capsizes off Libya, leaves 5 dead, 90 missing

Stars and Stripes 

At least five migrants died and more than 90 were missing after their boat capsized off Libya's western coast, a major embarkation point for the perilous Mediterranean crossing to Europe, the Libyan coast guard said Thursday.

South Korea urges North Korea to abandon nukes, seek talks

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South Korea's president cautioned that North Korean nuclear issues need to be "managed stably" to prevent a spike in tensions and military clashes — a prospect that has overshadowed this year's gathering of world leaders.

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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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