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Новости за 07.09.2017

Traffic nightmare as 500K people told to leave Florida

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With the storm barreling toward the tip of Florida for perhaps a catastrophic blow this weekend, normally quick trips turned into daylong journeys on crowded highways amid a constant search for gasoline and lodging. Airline seats out of Florida were in short supply as well.

Intel official: Terror plots often raise concerns early

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Nick Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said countering Islamic extremism globally is a nearly impossible task. The U.S. needs to be more hands-on at home and do a better job sharing threat information with local officials, he said.

Senate passes $15.3B aid package for Harvey

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The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly backed a $15.3 billion aid package for victims of Harvey, nearly doubling President Donald Trump's emergency request, and adding a deal between Trump and Democrats to increase America's borrowing authority and fund the government into December.

Nations rush to help islands devastated by Hurricane Irma

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Warships and military planes were dispatched with food, water and troops after the fearsome Category 5 storm smashed homes, schools and roads, laying waste to some of the world's most beautiful and exclusive tourist destinations.

Movies on base through Sept. 13

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

Study of marijuana’s effects on PTSD struggles to recruit vets

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Lead researcher Sue Sisley has screened thousands of veterans, yet enrolled only 26 who meet the eligibility criteria – prompting concern the study’s parameters must change. If that happens, the study could be delayed, she said.

Two A-10s crash in Nevada, pilots eject safely

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Two Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jets crashed Wednesday during a training flight over a Nevada military range. The pilots of both planes ejected safely and were being evaluated Thursday.

Hurricane aid measure grows to $15B as Irma bears down

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Senate Republicans have almost doubled the size of the disaster relief package for Harvey to more than $15 billion, a first installment to help communities in Texas rebuild from the storm — and stock reserves for looming damage from Hurricane Irma.

Qatar, North Korea on agenda for Trump's Kuwait meeting

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President Donald Trump plans to meet Thursday with the leader of Kuwait, a staunch American ally trying to mediate a festering diplomatic crisis involving Qatar and its Arab neighbors that could have implications for the U.S. military presence in the region.

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Israel strikes deep in Syria, said to hit military facility

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Israeli warplanes struck a military position near the Mediterranean coast in western Syria Thursday, killing two soldiers, the Syrian army said, in a stronghold of President Bashar Assad that is also heavily protected by the Russians and Iranians.

Legal ‘fistfight’ expected when transgender ban gets to court

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Transgender personnel can expect a “fistfight” in federal court as they seek to reverse a ban, arguing it violates their constitutional rights to due process and equal justice, said attorney Eugene R. Fidell, who has decades of experience with military personnel legal issues and teaches military law at Yale Law School.

Irma lashes at Puerto Rico, leaves tiny Barbuda devastated

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Hurricane Irma lashed Puerto Rico with heavy rain and powerful winds late Wednesday, leaving nearly 900,000 people without power as authorities struggled to get aid to small Caribbean islands already devastated by the historic storm.

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