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Новости за 18.09.2017

Mattis deploying more than 3,000 new troops to Afghanistan

Stars and Stripes 

The Pentagon will send more than 3,000 new troops to Afghanistan as part of President Donald Trump’s new strategy for the 16-year war, but the Defense Department will not provide specific details about those upcoming deployments, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Monday.

Mattis: No need yet to shoot down North Korean missiles

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The U.S. has seen no need to shoot down North Korean missiles test-fired in Japan's direction, but a future missile launch that threatens U.S. or Japanese territory will "elicit a different response from us," Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Monday.

Joe Walsh, others team up for concert to benefit veterans

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Longtime musician Joe Walsh, a Grammy award-winner and inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, is best known as a guitarist for the Eagles. A lesser-known fact: he’s also a Gold Star son.

UN group says Iran violated rights of two detained Americans

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An independent U.N. human rights body has ruled that Iran's detention and prosecution of two American-Iranian nationals violated their internationally recognized right to a fair trial. It has called for their immediate release.

Ryanair scrambles to contain damage from cancellation fiasco

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Ryanair Holdings sought to contain the damage caused by scrapping hundreds of flights through the end of October, promising to compensate affected passengers and apologizing for the mismanagement that led to a shortage of available crews.

Evidence of spills during hurricane-induced flooding at toxic site

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The U.S. government received reports of three spills at one of Houston's dirtiest Superfund toxic waste sites in the days after the drenching rains from Hurricane Harvey finally stopped. Aerial photos reviewed by The Associated Press show black-colored water surrounding the site as the floods receded, flowing through Vince Bayou and into a ship channel.

Senate defense bill goes for final vote

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Senators are poised to approve a massive $700 billion defense bill Monday night, setting the stage for a budget fight on how to fund a major increase in military spending.

Deployment of NY Guardsmen, troopers to Caribbean on hold

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The deployment of more than 100 members of the New York Army National Guard and state police to the U.S. Virgin Islands to help with hurricane recovery efforts is on hold because of another storm approaching the region.

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Back to school: After Irma, Florida classes begin resuming

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Slowly, Florida school vacations caused by Irma are ending. Public schools in Miami-Dade County and Broward County - the state's two biggest school districts and two of the nation's largest - reopened Monday for more than 600,000 students after a nearly two-week hiatus.

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