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Новости за 23.09.2017

A bridal wave: The day LBJ eliminated the marriage exemption

Stars and Stripes 

On a quiet Thursday evening in 1965, Las Vegas Justice of the Peace James A. Brennan left his office to perform a wedding at the Dunes Hotel. When he got back, he was shocked to find more than 50 couples waiting for him at the Clarke County Courthouse. It was a bridal wave.

AF officer among those arrested in St. Louis claiming they weren't protesting

Stars and Stripes 

One was an Air Force lieutenant who came out of his downtown apartment to witness the commotion in his neighborhood. Another was a Chicago-based photojournalist for Getty Images assigned to cover the latest bout of unrest in St. Louis. And still another was a St. Louis police officer working undercover at the protest.

Late touchdown run lifts Tulane over Army 21-17

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The Black Knights lost their second consecutive game after beginning the season with consecutive victories. They lost 38-7 loss at No. 10 Ohio State a week earlier.

Britain's Prince Harry, US first lady meet before Invictus Games

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Melania Trump is set to take her biggest step yet as first lady. She's leading the U.S. delegation to an international sporting event for wounded service members, her first solo trip outside of the U.S. to represent her adopted country without President Donald Trump at her side.

After Maria, humanitarian crisis grows in Puerto Rico

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A humanitarian crisis grew Saturday in Puerto Rico as towns were left without fresh water, fuel, power or phone service following Hurricane Maria's devastating passage across the island.

US bombers, fighters give show-of-force off coast of N. Korea

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In a show of American military might to North Korea, the United States on Saturday flew bombers and fighter escorts to the farthest point north of the Demilitarized Zone by any such American aircraft this century.

Turkey OKs military intervention, warns Iraqi Kurds on vote

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The Turkish parliament on Saturday renewed a bill allowing the military to intervene in Iraq and Syria if faced with national security threats — a move seen as a final warning to Iraqi Kurds to call off their Monday independence referendum.

Navy vet recalls typhoon, kamikazes of World War II

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John "Jack" Ehrbar saw the skies explode with blasts of antiaircraft fire directed at Japanese kamikaze aircraft. He rode out a typhoon in a ship that had all the seagoing capability of a cork, as he described it. He wouldn't take a million dollars for the experience, but he also wouldn't take a nickel to do it all over again.

NFL commissioner, players' union denounce Trump

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The NFL and its players' union on Saturday denounced President Donald Trump for suggesting that owners fire players and fans walk out in protest "when somebody disrespects our flag."

A look at UN promises to combat sexual abuses since 2005

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The United Nations released a report in early 2017 outlining a series of proposals to combat the problem of sexual abuse and exploitation within its peacekeeping missions. However, similar proposals to help victims had been put forward more than a decade ago.

Sentinels turn showdown into blowout of Rota

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Jimmie Montgomery ran for 199 yards and three touchdowns and quarterback Eli Canaan rushed for four touchdowns as the Spangdahlem offense overwhelmed the Admirals.

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Lancers find toughest competition among themselves

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Lakenheath not only took the top five spots for both girls and boys varsity in the 5-kilometer course around the school campus, but also had 14 of its runners finish in less than 25 minutes.

Iran tries to reconcile Syria and Hamas, rebuilding alliance

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Iran is working to restore a lost link in its network of alliances in the Middle East, trying to bring Hamas fully back into the fold after the Palestinian militant group had a bitter fall-out with Iranian ally Syria over that country's civil war.

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии


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