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Новости за 25.09.2017

Collins' opposition essentially kills GOP health care drive

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The Republican drive to tear down President Barack Obama's health care law was flickering out Monday as a decisive handful of GOP senators remained opposed to the last-gasp bill. Changes aimed at galvanizing GOP support produced no apparent additional votes as time was running out for the White House and party leaders.

GOP hopes for Senate health care bill flickering out

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The Republican drive to tear down President Barack Obama's health care law was flickering out Monday as a decisive handful of GOP senators remained opposed to the last-gasp bill. Changes aimed at galvanizing GOP support produced no apparent additional votes as time was running out for the White House and party leaders.

North Korean diplomat says tweet by Trump 'declared war'

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North Korea's top diplomat said Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump's weekend tweet was a "declaration of war" and North Korea has the right to retaliate by shooting down U.S. bombers, even in international airspace.

Ex-Congressman Weiner gets 21 months in prison for sexting

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Anthony Weiner's sexting compulsion cost him his seat in Congress, his shot at becoming New York mayor and his marriage, and may have even denied Hillary Clinton the presidency. On Monday, it cost him his freedom.

McCain's moment: Ailing senator plays spoiler again for GOP

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U.S. Sen. John McCain has privately bristled at his return to Washington being covered like a melodrama, and his friends have steadfastly tried to avoid treating him like a man nearing the end of his life.

'Rock bottom': Weiner gets 21 months in prison for sexting

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Anthony Weiner's sexting compulsion cost him his seat in Congress, his shot at becoming New York mayor and his marriage, and may have even denied Hillary Clinton the presidency. On Monday, it cost him his freedom.

Trump imposes political correctness on NFL

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In calling on NFL owners and fans to punish athletes who engage in political protests, President Donald Trump has become a Super Bowl champion of something he purports to oppose: political correctness.

New blow to GOP health bill: Paul opposes revised measure

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Conservative Sen. Rand Paul remained opposed Monday to the Republican bill repealing the Obama health care law despite fresh revisions, darkening White House and GOP leaders' fading hopes of staving off defeat in a Senate showdown this week.

US says it's not pushing for regime change in North Korea

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The Trump administration clarified Monday that it's not seeking to overthrow North Korea's government after the president tweeted that Kim Jong Un "won't be around much longer" and Pyongyang interpreted it as a declaration of war.

War in Korea? The scenarios are sobering

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The scenarios are a sobering corrective to the notion that North Korea’s nuclear capacity could be taken out in a single strike, or that the government would prove as fragile as that of Saddam Hussein in Iraq or Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.

Massive defense bill awaits funding fight in Congress

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A push for the largest defense spending plan in several years has overcome a series of congressional hurdles this year, including approval on the Senate floor this past week. But the National Defense Authorization Act must survive some obstacles before it can be enacted.

North Korea says Trump has 'declared war' on his country

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North Korea's top diplomat said Monday that President Donald Trump's tweet that leader Kim Jong Un "won't be around much longer" was a declaration of war against his country by the United States.

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The Marines have their first female infantry officer

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The first female Marine to complete the Corp’s famously grueling Infantry Officer Course graduated Monday and will soon take responsibility for a platoon as the service’s first-ever female infantry officer, the Marines announced.

Weiner sentenced to 21 months in sexting case

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Former Rep. Anthony Weiner was sentenced Monday to 21 months in prison for sexting with a 15-year-old girl in a case that rocked Hillary Clinton's campaign for the White House in the closing days of the race and may have cost her the presidency.

The Syrian war is far from over, but the endgame is already playing out

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Six years after the eruption of the armed rebellion aimed at toppling President Bashar Assad, the Syrian war is limping toward a conclusion — one that leaves many questions unanswered and many battles still to be fought, but a resolution of sorts nonetheless.

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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