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Новости за 22.09.2017

Washington cyberstalking law on thin ice after hearing

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Lawyers for a retired Air Force major on Friday asked U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton to block the state from enforcing the law, saying their client has been threatened with prosecution for making online posts that criticize — but don't threaten — a community activist.

Dam failing as scope of Puerto Rico's disaster becomes clear

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A failing dam prompted emergency evacuations of two towns in northwestern Puerto Rico on Friday as the U.S. territory struggled with flooding, an island-wide blackout and other dangers in Hurricane Maria's wake.

Atomic bomb tests witness knows what fire and fury really is

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Even from 40 miles away, with his eyes closed and covered, Jim Attleson saw a blinding flash of light like a laser through his arms. The shock wave from the hydrogen bomb, he said, was "like someone set off a cannon alongside your ear."

Abu Ghraib ex-inmates' lawsuit moves ahead in federal court

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After nine years of fits and starts, dismissals and reinstatements, a federal lawsuit filed by one-time inmates at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq against civilian interrogators who worked there is moving ahead.

GOP health bill all but dead; McCain again deals the blow

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Sen. John McCain declared his opposition Friday to the GOP's last-ditch effort to repeal and replace "Obamacare," dealing a likely death blow to the legislation and, perhaps, to the Republican Party's years of vows to kill the program.

Debate over Iran deal is utterly perplexing

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Iran today is encumbered by economic pressures and a decade of tough nuclear constraints. It would be senseless to squander our international influence and give Iran an early release.

Pilots erred in Pence plane's skid at airport, investigators say

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Pilots landing a plane that overran a runway at LaGuardia Airport while carrying then-vice presidential candidate Mike Pence made "several failures in close succession" that caused the plane to end up in a field of arrestor beds close to a highway, investigators said Thursday.

Why Japan doesn't sign nuclear arms ban treaty

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Japan, the only country to have suffered atomic bomb attacks, has repeatedly called for a global ban on nuclear weapons. Yet it sided with the nuclear powers and NATO in refusing to sign a treaty to ban such weapons during the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York.

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The Beatles

«Если прищуриться, мы похожи на The Beatles» // Евгений Цыганов о своей карьере музыканта

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Celebs wade into politics and people listen

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The reason many of us tolerate celebrity engagement in policy is because we know that behind their public images celebrities are real people with a right to be in on this conversation.

Air Force: Investigators reviewing statements by outspoken chaplain Hernandez

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After initially denying an investigation, the Air Force said Friday that its inspector general’s office is reviewing complaints against reserve chaplain Capt. Sonny Hernandez, who proclaimed that Christian servicemembers are wrong to support the rights of other faiths to practice their religion, actions that he said will lead them to hell.

Hacker in Spanish custody sought by US and Russia, lawyer says

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Russian authorities are fighting the extradition of an alleged Russian hacker from Spain to the United States, the suspect's lawyer said Friday, in the latest move by Moscow to block U.S. prosecution of suspected Russian cybercriminals.

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Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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