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Новости за 26.09.2017

Iraqi Kurdish vote latest in series of de facto breaks

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The Iraqi Kurds' independence referendum that was just held could mean further instability in the Middle East, where formal borders have remained in place for decades but recent conflicts have resulted in several de facto partitions.

Contest seeks to make those 'Jetsons' dreams a reality

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A group called GoFly, funded by aerospace giant Boeing, launched a $2 million competition to spur the development of jet packs, hoverboards, human-bearing drones, flying mopeds and assorted other flying objects for personal use.

Top US general voices support for transgender troops

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The top U.S. general told lawmakers Tuesday that he advised President Donald Trump that transgender servicemembers should not be separated from the military based solely on their gender identity.

Military base could share fire station with Virginia Beach

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The Virginia Beach Fire Department wants more resources closer to one of the city's most tightly constructed neighborhoods. But with no land available to build, the city is turning to a military neighbor for a solution.

Benghazi trial could undercut Sessions' push for tribunals

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The trial of the suspected mastermind of the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attacks will be one of the biggest terrorism cases yet for a Justice Department under a leader who has said it shouldn't be handling such cases at all.

Dunford: US should assume North Korea can strike mainland now

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The United States should assume North Korea can already strike its mainland with missiles, the top American general said Tuesday while cautioning that Kim Jong Un primarily seeks nuclear weapons to maintain control of his regime.

Republican leaders: Senate won't vote on Obamacare repeal

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Facing assured defeat, Republican leaders decided Tuesday not to even hold a vote on the GOP's latest attempt to repeal the Obama health care law, surrendering on their last-gasp effort to deliver on the party's banner campaign promise.

Woman pinned by Army Humvee at NY festival has arm amputated

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A Long Island woman who was seriously injured after a U.S. Army Reserve Humvee rolled down a hill and pinned her against a food truck during a festival has had her arm amputated due to injuries sustained in the collision.

Trump vows to cut taxes 'tremendously' for middle class

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President Donald Trump vowed to deliver on a major tax cut for middle-class Americans on Tuesday as the White House and congressional leaders prepared to release details on a tax overhaul proposal that would slash the corporate rate and simplify the nation's tax code.

US urges South Sudan to seize last chance to save peace deal

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U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley urged South Sudan's leaders on Tuesday to seize "the last chance" to salvage the 2015 peace agreement and end the worsening violence that has forced 4 million people to flee their homes and left 7.6 million in desperate need of aid.

Музыкальные новости

Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии

Персональные новости

Заместитель генерального директора сети клиник «Евроонко» выступил на конференции онкологов в Белгороде

Equifax CEO steps down in the wake of damaging data breach

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Equifax CEO Richard Smith stepped down Tuesday, less than three weeks after the credit reporting agency disclosed a damaging data breach that exposed highly sensitive information for about 143 million Americans.

Navy travels to Tulsa looking to take command of West Division

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Navy is averaging 35.7 points and 491.3 total yards per game with most of the damage coming on the ground. The Midshipmen rank second nationally in rushing average with 393 yards, less than a yard behind Georgia Tech.

Iraq threatens flight ban after Kurdish independence vote

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Iraq's prime minister on Tuesday ordered the northern Kurdish region to hand over control of its airports to federal authorities or face a flight ban, signaling a tough response to a landmark Kurdish independence referendum held the day before.

Спорт в России и мире

Результаты забега на 5 км на Московском полумарафоне. Аплачкина и Голоктионов установили рекорды соревнований


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Карен Хачанов

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Песков: возможное изъятие активов РФ будет солидным гвоздем в гроб западной экономики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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У могил Горшка и Виктора Цоя на Богословском кладбище появилась защита от вандалов


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