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Новости за 20.09.2017

Diplomats meet on Iran deal as Trump stays mum on decision

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President Donald Trump said Wednesday he has made a decision on whether to walk away from the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran but refused to say what it is, setting the stage for a particularly contentious meeting of the parties to the agreement.

Afghan president details US strategy for Afghanistan

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President Ashraf Ghani said the U.S. strategy is three-fold: double the size of the Afghan commando force, bolster Afghanistan's military airpower, and overhaul the military leadership as part of broader reform of Afghan security forces.

Afghan leader outlines US goal to wrest control from Taliban

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President Ashraf Ghani tells NPR that the U.S. strategy is three-fold: double the size of the Afghan commando force, bolster Afghanistan's military airpower, and overhaul the military leadership as part of broader reform of Afghan security forces.

Trump's trashing of Iran deal poses problems for North Korea strategy

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President Donald Trump's threat before the world to obliterate North Korea left no doubt about his determination to stop the communist country's nuclear weapons buildup. His disparagement of the Iran nuclear deal in the same speech offered Pyongyang little hope of a negotiated solution.

Rested Midshipmen set to host Cincinnati Bearcats

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Navy conducted three relatively short and light practices last week. Coach Ken Niumatalolo gave the Midshipmen the weekend off to refresh and recharge. The Navy-Cincinnati game is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.

Pence applauds UN resolution on peacekeeping reform

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The Security Council is backing reforms to reduce inefficiencies, corruption and abuse in the world body's far-flung peacekeeping operations, a key priority of the Trump administration at the U.N. General Assembly this week.

Russian foreign minister scoffs at Swedish-US defense question

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the U.S. would "not abandon democratic allies and partners, and we will stand with Sweden" in the event of Russian aggression in Europe. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he couldn't address "paranoidal statements."

Trump says decision made on Iran deal, won't say what it is

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President Donald Trump said Wednesday he has made a decision on whether to walk away from the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran but refused to say what it is, setting the stage for a particularly contentious meeting of the parties to the agreement.

Iranian president: Trump comments at UN 'ignorant, absurd'

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Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani told the U.N. General Assembly: "It will be a great pity if this agreement were to be destroyed by rogue newcomers to the world of politics." He spoke on a day when dozens of other nations began signing the first treaty to ban nuclear weapons, a pact spurned by nuclear powers.

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