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Новости за 02.09.2017

NFL coaching great Marv Levy remembers the euphoria of V-J Day

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When World War II finally ended with the Japanese surrender on Sept. 2, 1945, former Buffalo Bills coach and Army Air Corps veteran Marv Levy remembers that "euphoria swept over this country like you can't believe."

Deputies find alligator at flooded Texas home while responding to intruder call

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Deputies with the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office responded Friday to an "intruder call" at a home on the northeast side of the metropolitan area. "Upon arrival, deputies were met by a large alligator who made his way into this flooded home," the constable's office said in a Facebook post, along with a photo of the animal.

Kashmiris search desperately for their militant sons

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Dozens of young men over the last year have joined the armed separatists in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir. Faced with one of the most prolonged popular uprisings here in recent memory, Indian soldiers and police have responded with overwhelming force, killing at least 135 suspected militants.

Grant supports making of South Dakota WWII veteran film

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The film "Dakota Warrior" will focus on Lt. Cmdr. John Waldron, an aerial hero of the Battle of Midway that swung World War II against the Japanese. He led the squadron of 15 torpedo bombers in a mission on June 4, 1942.

Trump sees 'a lot of love' during visit to shelter for Harvey victims

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President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrived Saturday morning in Houston, and their first order of business is to meet with people affected by the storm and flooding. They're also set to stop by a relief center to speak with volunteers before heading to Lake Charles, Louisiana, another area devastated by Harvey.

'No secret' to making it to 103, decorated World War II vet says

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Several dozen friends of WWII veteran Sydney Cole gathered Friday to celebrate his 103rd birthday at Veterans Affairs Medical Center, where he lives in the community living care unit. Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart presented Cole with a cake that honored the Purple Hearts he earned when he was shot down behind enemy lines in Belgium.

Obama's Myanmar legacy in trouble and it's not Trump's fault

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One of former President Barack Obama's greatest foreign policy achievements is at risk, and it has nothing to do with his successor. Myanmar, the Southeast Asian nation that Obama helped usher back to democracy, has been roiled by an explosion of violence between Rohingya Muslim insurgents and security forces.

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Activists say ISIS convoy treks ahead despite threat of US strikes

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Dozens of Islamic State group members and their families have crossed into areas controlled by the extremists despite U.S. threats to bomb the convoy days after they left the Lebanon-Syria border, Syrian opposition activists said Saturday.

New cleanup plan for Camp Bonneville military site

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The Washington Department of Ecology is proposing to change its cleanup plans at the Camp Bonneville Military Reservation site and it wants to know what the public has to say about it. A public comment period is open until Sept. 18.

Post-Harvey problems plague Texas as funerals for dead begin

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One week after Harvey roared into the Gulf Coast, a Texas city struggled with no drinking water, fires kept erupting at a stricken chemical plant and funerals began for some of those who drowned in the floodwaters.

Russia-linked bots hone online attack plans for 2018 US vote

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After violent protests rocked Charlottesville, Va., last month, Republican Sen. John McCain took to Twitter to condemn hatred and bigotry and urge President Donald Trump to speak out more forcefully. Then pro-Russian bots got activated on social media.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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