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Новости за 28.04.2018

Europe wants a robot army to challenge the US and China on AI

Stars and Stripes 

At a British laboratory, dozens of tiny metal machines were poised to dance over a shiny white surface in "swarming" experiments to track how they organize themselves and work together. The scene at the EU-funded facility mirrored what the continent is now trying to do to compete with the U.S. and China in artificial intelligence.

Water delivery suspended in Nevada mine battle

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It was an uncharacteristically urgent demand at a U.S. Superfund site where the cleanup of an abandoned World War II-era mine has dragged on for two decades. The owner of the former Anaconda copper mine was suddenly halting the free home delivery of bottled water it's provided since 2004 to about 100 residences on a neighboring Native American reservation in Nevada.

Mattis reaffirms America's 'ironclad commitment' to defend South Korea

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U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo said they were committed to "a diplomatic resolution that achieves complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization" of the North, according to the Pentagon's chief spokeswoman, Dana W. White. Mattis also reaffirmed "the ironclad U.S. commitment" to defend its ally "using the full spectrum of U.S. capabilities. "

Killed by terrorists in 1979, English Lord is now a royal baby's namesake

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On a late summer morning in 1979, Lord Louis Mountbatten set off on his fishing boat from the coast of Ireland after breakfast in his castle. A powerful explosion blew the boat to pieces, killing Lord Mountbatten and several others. It was not an accident. It was an assassination.

Музыкальные новости

Сын Орбакайте и Преснякова посетил концерт Земфиры, закрыв себе дорогу в Россию

Персональные новости

Тренер "Спартака" Слишкович заявил, что доволен ничейной игрой против ЦСКА

Women, children attend wrestling event in Saudi Arabia

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A previous WWE event held in the ultraconservative kingdom in 2014 was for men only. But Friday night's event in Jiddah included both women and children in attendance to watch the likes of WWE star John Cena and others.

Russian foreign minister says US trying to 'divide Syria into parts'

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During a meeting with his counterparts from Iran and Turkey, Sergey Lavrov said the recent U.S.-led missile strikes on Syria "seriously aggravated the situation." He added that statements about supporting the territorial integrity of Syria "are only words that, apparently, cover plans for reformatting the Middle East and plans for dividing Syria into parts."

With ball in his court, Trump welcomes summit between 2 Koreas

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With the ball in his court, President Donald Trump said Saturday that “things are going very well” after a historic inter-Korean summit that led to promises to pursue denuclearization and a permanent peace on the divided peninsula.

With ball in his court, Trump welcomes inter-Korean summit

Stars and Stripes 

With the ball in his court, President Donald Trump said Saturday that “things are going very well” after a historic inter-Korean summit that led to promises to pursue denuclearization and a permanent peace on the divided peninsula.

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Андрей Мидловец выиграл якутский финал на первенстве России


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Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис


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Анастасия Ивлеева

Суд рассмотрит 25 апреля протокол на Ивлееву за дискредитацию ВС России


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