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Новости за 22.04.2018

Lawmakers call on Army to study buying Iron Dome

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In a letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense co-signed by 40 members of Congress, Reps. Grace Meng, D-N.Y., and Peter Roskam, R-Ill., also call for a budget of $500 million for support of Israeli missile- and rocket-defense systems in the 2019 fiscal year.

Wisconsin sculptor memorializes K-9 veterans

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Mark Dziewior crafted a larger-than-life bronze sculpture of a German shepherd with its paw on a Vietnam-era military helmet as part of a K9 Veterans Memorial dedicated last year in Fort Atkinson.

Brothers Osborne are rising country stars with a new album, but Nashville still has challenges

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For proof that Brothers Osborne do things differently than most country stars, look no further than their music video for last year’s hit single, "It Ain’t My Fault." The video, a tribute to the 1991 movie "Point Break," features robbers wearing presidential masks on a heist. The one wearing the Donald Trump mask tries to steal from a church collection plate, and the one who looks like Bill Clinton ogles an attractive woman.

USPACOM nominee: Bolster forces in Pacific

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Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Adm. Phil Davidson said China “is no longer a rising power but an arrived great power and peer competitor,” and the U.S. should respond by adding military forces in the Pacific.

How strong is ISIS in Afghanistan?

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An upstart Islamic State affiliate that first appeared in Afghanistan in 2014 is becoming increasingly deadly and their attacks on the country's minority Shiites have grown bolder. In Sunday's devastating bombing, a suicide bomber walked up to a crowd outside a voter registration office and blew himself up killing 57 people.

Captured Marine accused of groping woman, fleeing duties

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Cpl. Calvin S. Barker, 22, has been charged with unauthorized absence from Camp Pendleton, Calif., and two counts of groping an unidentified sleeping woman stemming from a Dec. 3 incident.

Officials: Fence at New York lab would protect assets, research

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As the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate continues to do cybersecurity and defense work for the government, representatives in Washington are pushing for a perimeter fence around the Rome, N.Y., facility.

Suicide bomber kills dozens in Kabul

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Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish said the bomber approached a voter registration center on foot, adding that women and children were among the victims.

UK royal biographer talks Markle, Simpson

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British journalist Andrew Morton became a household name in 1992 with the publication of “Diana: Her True Story,” the sensational tell-all about Princess Di and her marriage to Prince Charles. Since then, he’s become one of the leading experts on the British royal family and other celebrities.

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82nd Airborne team takes first 'Best Mortar' crown

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The 82nd Airborne Division team, hailing from 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, brought the Best Mortar trophy back to Fort Bragg last week.

Vive la France: Trump to host glitzy White House state dinner

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Wined and dined on multiple state visits during his tour of Asia last year, Trump is paying it forward and celebrating nearly 250 years of U.S.-French relations by playing host to President Emmanuel Macron at a glitzy White House state dinner on Tuesday.

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