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Новости за 13.04.2018

An estimated 1,000 bodies of militant fighters buried in Mosul mass grave

Stars and Stripes 

Authorities in Mosul have buried more than 1,000 bodies in a mass grave in a desert valley outside the city, most of them believed to be Islamic State group militants, according to a provincial official. More remains are being dug out of the rubble of the district where the fighters made their final stand last year.

FBI probing Michael Cohen's ‘personal business dealings’

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Federal prosecutors said in a court filing Friday that the criminal probe that led them to raid the offices of President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is focused on the attorney's "personal business dealings" and has been going on for months.

Fighter pilot shortage grows to one in four, GAO says

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Three military services face a shortage of one in four fighter pilots, and a gap in aviators could persist in the Air Force at least through 2023, the Government Accountability Office says.

Van goes off California cliff, man walks away from wreckage

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A minivan driver plunged in the vehicle off a California cliff Friday and into the ocean but managed to get out of the wreckage and walk on rocks to a rescuer who rappelled down to him, authorities said.

Friends separated by Holocaust reunite in California after 76 years

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When Alice Gerstel bid an emotional farewell to her family's closest friends in October 1941, she was hopeful she'd see "Little Simon" Gronowski again. And she did — 76 years later and half a world away from where they were separated in Brussels.

New technology helps researchers monitor Navy divers' biological conditions

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NEDU — a Naval Support Activity Panama City tenant unit that does biomedical research and saturation dives — is using special eyewear called Tobii Pro Glasses 2 that monitors a user's retina location and headgear called Artinis Brite23 that tracks blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain during training.

The consequences of a strike on Syria

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The trick for U.S. planners is how to calibrate military action this time so that it sends a clear deterrence message to Syria and Russia without escalating the conflict.

5 myths about the VA and health care

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Part of the reason you hear so many negative stories about VA health care is that it receives far more scrutiny than the rest of the health care system, including from two standing committees in Congress, an inspector general, veterans service organizations and a highly engaged press.

1 Palestinian killed, hundreds hurt in Gaza amid demonstrations along border with Israel

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Rights groups have described the Israeli military's open-fire regulations as unlawful, saying they permit soldiers to use potentially lethal force against unarmed protesters. Israel has accused Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas rulers of using the protests as a cover for attacks and says snipers only target the main "instigators."

Democratic veterans in Congress slam Trump tweets on Syria

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Democratic members of Congress who served in the military criticized President Donald Trump’s tweets on Syria and Republicans’ unwillingness to rein in the use of military force in a press conference Friday.

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For many Saudis, war in neighboring Yemen is an afterthought

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A war laps at Saudi Arabia's borders, in Yemen, less than 500 miles south of Riyadh. Yet the menace feels distant, the carnage reduced to abstraction by the time it reaches a city riveted by its own dramas — social changes and crackdowns, economic shifts and palace intrigues.

With courts in retreat, teachers must strike

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Teachers are being forced to rise up in part because most state courts are shrinking from their duty to enforce the state constitutional right to education.

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