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Новости за 01.04.2018

Coast Guard rescues three from leaking boat

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The Coast Guard rescued three people in a boat on the Columbia River that was taking on water near the Port of Vancouver early Saturday evening.

Korean War veteran recounts time at Okinawa

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Earl Watson, 88, was a public information officer for the Army during the Korean War and was stationed at Okinawa, where he obtained up-close photos of the fighting in the last major battle of World War II.

Russia will be biggest test yet for incoming NSA chief

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Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone, who is widely expected to be confirmed this month, also will confront Russia’s aggressive targeting of the U.S. electrical grid and other critical infrastructure.

'Hearthstone' has new competitor in 'Magic: The Gathering Arena'

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“Magic: The Gathering Arena,” is an online-only version of the venerated collectible card game that is attempting to bring together the glamour of "Hearthstone" and the deep, intricate play of Magic. It succeeds, for the most part.

Trump administration backs PLO in victims' high court appeal

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The victims are asking the high court to reinstate a $654 million verdict against the PLO and Palestinian Authority in connection with attacks in Israel in 2002 and 2004 that killed 33 people and wounded hundreds more.

Malian authorities hand over jihadi leader to ICC

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Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud is accused of crimes against humanity committed in Timbuktu while the town was under the control of extremists between April 2012 and January 2013.

Army hopes new units will help break Afghanistan stalemate

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Seventeen years in the infantry have turned Army 1st Sgt. Shaun Morgan into a hard-charging grunt, but the veteran of five combat tours who recently deployed to Afghanistan is prepared to take a back seat and let that nation’s forces lead the fight.

With 1st SFAB deployed, Army looks to build more adviser brigades

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Building on what was merely a concept at the beginning of 2017, the Army hopes to boast five brigades of conventional soldiers hand-selected and specially trained to advise indigenous partner forces by the end of next year. Army officials say the service is seeking to quickly build its Security Force Assistance Brigades, units designed to shoulder the bulk of the Pentagon’s train, advise and assist missions throughout the world. That is why the Army is seeking funding to build three SFABs — it has begun assembling two ... Читать дальше...

Saudi crown prince tours Boeing on secretive Seattle visit

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After a tour of the widebody jet plant that built his airplane, the 32-year-old crown prince looked on as Boeing Chairman and Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg signed a memorandum of agreement to set up a $450 million joint venture in Saudi Arabia that will provide maintenance and repair support for the kingdom’s military aircraft.

A 'Pearl Harbor in politics': LBJ's stunning decision not to seek reelection

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Johnson had delivered plenty of significant addresses during his presidency, from vowing in 1964 to build a "Great Society" to pushing for the Voting Rights Act in 1965. None of them came with the stunning conclusion of the speech televised in 1968 from the White House.

Vietnam veterans reflect on experiences, stigma

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The 71-year-old Vietnam War veteran remembers people spitting on soldiers and calling them baby killers. Wilder served four tours in Vietnam and was a cryogenic technician who helped make rocket fuel. Born in Oregon, he spent most of his service aboard the USS Chicago. "You were king over there," Wilder said. "You came back to the States and you were dirt. People just didn't like you."

Vietnam monument arrives at Camp Pendleton marking National Vietnam Veteran's Day

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Three flatbed trucks entered Camp Pendleton Thursday carrying a monument to Marines and sailors from the "Fighting Fifth" regiment who died in Vietnam, left a Vermont-based foundry on March 22 to make the eight-day, cross-country journey accompanied by dozens of Patriot Guard riders.

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