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Новости за 24.04.2018

Hickam Field attack survivor Andrew Kowalski dies at 103

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Every year on the anniversary — including this past December — retired Air Force Col. Andrew Kowalski dutifully returned to the air base, one of the sites devastated in the Japanese attack that catapulted America into World War II.

F-16 crashes in western Arizona; pilot released from hospital

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The Fighting Falcon was diverted to Lake Havasu City Municipal Airport at about 10:35 a.m. local time during a routine training flight, according to a statement from Luke Air Force Base. The Air Force declined to explain why the jet was diverted, but the incident was described as an “emergency landing.”

F-16 crashes in western Arizona; pilot in 'good condition'

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An Air Force pilot was in good condition Tuesday after ejecting from an F-16C fighter jet that crashed as it attempted to land at a small municipal airport in western Arizona along the state’s border with California, Air Force officials said.

Waffle House: America's all-night stage

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America's favorite all-night, comfort food institution has humble origins. Two friends with an idea — a 24-hour restaurant.

Inside the secret US stockpile meant to save us in a bioterror attack

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From the outside, it looks like an ordinary commercial warehouse, only much bigger, about the size of two super Walmarts. Inside it's dark except when motion sensors are triggered. When the lights come on, hundreds of thousands of shrink-wrapped boxes of medicines emerge from the gloom, stacked on shelves nearly five stories high.

Golden Knights’ surprising Stanley Cup playoff run could be costly for Vegas

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Like nearly everyone in his adopted hometown, Jay Kornegay has been swept up in the stunning success of the Vegas Golden Knights. The phenomenon is unprecedented in the four major sports, an expansion team winning its division, and topping that with last week’s first-round sweep of the Kings. There’s a hitch, however, for Kornegay.

Trump discourages Jackson from continuing in 'ugly' VA confirmation process

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President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he still supported Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson as his nominee for Department of Veterans Affairs secretary, but discouraged the White House physician from continuing in what he called an “ugly” and “disgusting” confirmation process.

A market correction for Boston sports teams

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What happened in the Boston sports market this weekend — to the Bruins, to the Celtics, to the Red Sox, to Rob Gronkowski — is mindful of another market. As in the stock market.

Summer Movie Preview: Hollywood roars back into action

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Summer starts early this year in Hollywood with the potentially record-breaking release of “Avengers: Infinity War” Thursday, and the marquee Marvel superheroes couldn’t be coming at a better time.

Foundation helps Gold Star children earn college degrees

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Two years after her father was killed in Iraq, Jervon Lemon received a phone call from Cynthia Kim, co-founder of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation, with an unexpected offer. “She said, ‘We want to pay for your undergraduate education.’"

Facebook spells out publicly what's forbidden on its service

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Facebook has revealed for the first time just what, exactly, is banned on its service in a new Community Standards document released on Tuesday. It's an updated version of the internal rules the company has used to determine what's allowed and what isn't, down to granular details such as what, exactly, counts as a "credible threat" of violence.

No spotlight on local farmworkers at Coachella

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Despite all the attention that concertgoers, music acts and promoters have brought to the Coachella Valley, none of it has improved the lives of the Latinos who make the region run the rest of the year.

Laws need to get a grip on gig work

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The trick will be to create rules that foster fair play without trampling the entrepreneurial spirit that’s fueling this dynamic industry.

Музыкальные новости

Девушке сделали предложение на концерте Басты: "Бери кольцо"

Персональные новости

Гол Мартыновича помог «Рубину» сенсационно обыграть футболистов «Зенита»

FDA cracks down on sales of Juul, other e-cigarettes to youth

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The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it is conducting a nationwide, undercover "blitz" to crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes — particularly the hugely popular Juul products — to children and teenagers by regular and online retailers.

Rosenstein has made 2 critical missteps

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His capitulation alters the balance of power between the Justice Department and the Hill and makes it substantially more difficult for department officials to resist future congressional interference in active, politically charged investigations.

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Андрей Мидловец выиграл якутский финал на первенстве России


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Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис


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Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


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