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Новости за 18.04.2018

Watchdog rejects Russia nerve agent claim in UK spy case

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The head of the global chemical watchdog agency on Wednesday rejected Russian claims that traces of a second nerve agent were discovered in the English city where former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned.

Review: 'I Feel Pretty' is bold take on self-love, but premise takes it on superficially

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The Amy Schumer vehicle “I Feel Pretty” tackles a very real epidemic -- the crisis of confidence. Low self-esteem is part of the human condition for people of any age, gender or race, but it’s particularly virulent and destructive in the young female population, resulting in eating disorders, imposter syndrome, plastic surgery, billions of dollars spent on beauty products, diets, shapewear and generally a serious failure to thrive.

Army announces upcoming troop rotations for Europe, Afghanistan and Iraq

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The Army’s 3rd Cavalry Regiment will deploy in the spring to Iraq, the 101st Airborne Sustainment Brigade will deploy to Afghanistan in the summer and the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade will deploy to Eastern Europe, Army officials said in separate statements.

Chaco’s Fussa Steakhouse tasty, convenient to Yokota

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You don’t have to go far from the headquarters of U.S. Forces Japan in western Tokyo to get a decent steak. Chaco’s Fussa Steakhouse is right across the road from Yokota Air Base’s main gate and has been for years under various names.

Surgeon General's uniformed corps battles opioid epidemic

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The U.S. Public Health Service's Commissioned Corps is a 6,500-strong group of pharmacists, engineers, dentists and others with a broad range of health expertise and a common desire to serve their country, especially the most vulnerable.

Carla Ohio another fine coffee hangout in Kaiserslautern

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Considering how bustling the Kaffeeroesterei is, it stands to reason that Kaiserslautern has room for another establishment dedicated to fine coffee. Carla Ohio Coffee and Things is trying to fill that niche.

Trump is a startling echo of Bill Clinton

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Twenty years ago, resurgent House Republicans impeached Clinton for lying under oath. And Democrats defended a president with the same sort of moral failings they insist make Trump unfit for office.

Plan to slash spending at dozens of DOD agencies alarm some lawmakers, analysts

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A House panel debate on Wednesday about a proposal to cut 25 percent in spending from a specific group of Defense Department agencies raised a series of stumbling blocks to the plan, including which agencies to shut down, what jobs to cut and its negative impact on servicemembers.

Plan to slash spending at dozens of DOD agencies could face roadblocks

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A House panel debate on Wednesday about a proposal to cut 25 percent in spending from a specific group of Defense Department agencies raised a series of stumbling blocks to the plan, including which agencies to shut down, what jobs to cut and its negative impact on servicemembers.

Музыкальные новости

Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске

Персональные новости

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже дорогостоящего электрооборудования

Excavator to blamed for island-wide blackout in Puerto Rico

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An island-wide blackout hit Puerto Rico on Wednesday as the U.S. territory struggles to repair an increasingly unstable power grid nearly seven months after Hurricane Maria. Officials said an excavator accidentally downed a transmission line.

What did Kim and Pompeo discuss during their meeting? Here are 3 core issues

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In an effort to lay the groundwork for direct talks between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, CIA Director Mike Pompeo made a top-secret visit to North Korea over Easter weekend. The details of the summit and what will be discussed remain up in the air, but here are three of of the key issues.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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