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Новости за 08.04.2018

Angry, young South Buffalo man found beauty, friendship in Vietnam

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At 16, Daniel Perlinger signed up for the Marine Corps knowing it would be his ticket to Vietnam. He said he did not know much about life at the time, but he was certain about one thing: Vietnam would provide him with a chance to vent his anger.

Georgia man convinced Sgt. York to fight

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Ed C.B. Danforth Jr., Alvin York’s training camp instructor and battlefield commander, also was an Episcopal layman and counseled the conflicted York on duty and faith.

Ohio veteran says PTSD comfort dog beaten to death

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David Moore, 27, who said he suffers from PTSD, said his comfort animal, a 5-pound, 14-month-old Chihuahua named Angel, was beaten March 31 by his live-in girlfriend.

Germany still unsure about motive for fatal van attack

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Local media have identified the perpetrator as an industrial designer living in Muenster who had been suffering from psychological problems, but police wouldn't confirm those details.

Epic opioid battle moves to an Ohio courtroom

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An Ohio county and hundreds of other municipalities across the nation are suing companies that manufactured and distributed powerful painkillers and others up and down the supply chain, arguing that they knowingly peddled massive amounts of a highly addictive product that set in motion a public health crisis. The plaintiffs argue that the vast network of opioid businesses should pay for the damage the drugs wrought.

Spreading Nigerian violence draws military to policing role

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While soldiers held power for 29 years and have always played an internal security role in Nigeria, their deployment has surged since former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari won the presidency in 2015. Operating in all 36 states, they're dealing with a range of crises: Islamist militant attacks in the northeast, simmering unrest in the oil-producing Niger River delta, conflict between crop farmers and herders and widespread robberies and kidnapping.

Vietnam nabs ex-police official for alleged abuse of power

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A former top police official in Vietnam was arrested Friday on suspicion of involvement in a multimillion-dollar international gambling ring, part of the ruling Communist Party's crackdown on corruption.

Serving in the Marine Corps wasn't a job, says veteran, but a life

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When it was time to retire, his friends told him he could have made a high salary as a consultant in Washington. But retired Marine veteran Col. Royal Mortenson said in reply "I didn't want a job. I hadn't had a job for 30 years. I had a life. I wanted to do something that would be another life."

3 North Korean defectors visit Delaware to express thanks

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Among North Korea's most wanted is a 13-year-old boy with a bowl haircut who wears Nikes and steals glances at his smartphone. Flanked by two North Korean activists who had arranged for his escape from a brutal regime, last month Kim Moon Hyuk — who uses an alias to protect his identity — was introduced to some of the Cab Calloway School of the Arts students who funded his lifesaving journey.

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