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Новости за 05.04.2018

ICE is moving to deport a veteran after Mattis assured that would not happen

Stars and Stripes 

Immigration and Customs Enforcement appears to have ignored a directive from Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to prevent the deportation of noncitizen troops and veterans, seeking to remove a Chinese immigrant despite laws that allow veterans with honorable service to naturalize, court filings show.

'It's a love story': Korean War POW is finally coming home

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Violet Davis never lost hope. From the time her husband, Sgt. 1st Class Finley James Davis, left for Korea in 1950, until her death in Charleston, South Carolina in 1999, members of her family said their matriarch clung to the memory of the love of her life.

Tours by on-base agencies

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Base tours offer an easy way to see Europe with other members of the military community. Here is a sampling of current trips scheduled.

For Trump and his generals, 'victory' has different meanings

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President Donald Trump has made winning on the battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan a central tenet of his foreign policy and tough-guy identity. But Trump and the military hold frequently opposing ideas about exactly what winning means.

Kay Cannon sees path for others in her road to 'Blockers'

Stars and Stripes 

Kay Cannon, a performer, screenwriter, producer and three-time Emmy nominee, had never directed anything before “Blockers,” an R-rated teen sex comedy that Universal Pictures is releasing wide Friday.

In a DC museum, a sense of no-holds-barred Burning Man desert art

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In the low-lit, second-floor room of Washington’s Renwick Gallery, a cluster of three ceiling-height plastic mushrooms glows in a shifting kaleidoscope of neon colors. At each mushrooms’ base is a pad that users can press, causing the sculptures to heave, sigh, and expand in and out. The installation, "Shrumen Lumen" by the FoldHaus Art Collective, was initially on view under the night sky at Burning Man, a weeklong annual festival in the Nevada desert that celebrates the various joys of communal living... Читать дальше...

Air Force Thunderbirds pilot killed in training crash is identified

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The Air Force Thunderbirds pilot killed in a training crash Wednesday in Nevada was a longtime aviator who joined the elite demonstration team this season after two and a half years flying F-35s in Florida, according to the Air Force.

With parade, border duty, Trump misusing the military

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President Donald Trump’s repeated references to “my generals” is telling. He remains oblivious to the principle that the generals work for America, and take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Marine killed in Calif. crash was 'the gold standard'

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Lance Cpl. Taylor Conrad, one of four Marines killed Tuesday in a helicopter crash, was a standout in the Corps and in life, just as caring as he was tough, friends and family recalled Thursday.

Six burning questions for 2018, including the surprise of the NASCAR Cup season

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We’re currently six races through the 2018 NASCAR Cup Series season. In a circuit that features 36 points races a year, that’s a sixth of the season over and done. And as such, we have — you guessed it — six burning questions for the rest of this season. Let ‘em rip:

Who’s mulling a run against Trump in 2020?

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Aome relatively unknown non-Washington figures will likely run in a year the Democratic nomination will be appealing and the race wide open.

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At this year's Masters, an anticipation unlike any other

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In the moment, with the Masters about to commence, it feels like expectations could scarcely be higher for a golf tournament. If we were able to line up an ideal ensemble cast of the most intriguing characters, we might come up with exactly the list of who enters this week with a legitimate chance to win.

When Japan was the enemy, Washington hated its cherry trees

Stars and Stripes 

In the panicked days after Japan's devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, infuriated residents suddenly saw the ornamental forest as a ready target for their rage. Three days after the Dec. 7, 1941, bombings in Hawaii, the saws came out.

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


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Путин поручил сократить время движения поездов от Москвы до курортов Черноморского побережья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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В Тульской области на трассе М-4 «Дон» нанесут экспериментальную разметку

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