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Новости за 26.04.2018

Tours by on-base agencies

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Base tours offer an easy way to see Europe with other members of the military community. Here is a sampling of current trips scheduled.

PGA Tour golfers got to choose walk-up music, which is great except for Whitesnake

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This weekend's Zurich Classic in suburban New Orleans will look a little different than most PGA Tour events, as 80 two-player teams will compete in alternate-shot and better-ball formats. It also will sound a whole lot different, because the teams that make the cut will have the walk-up song of their choice playing as they stride to the first tee on Saturday and Sunday.

Proposed college sports reforms will fix nothing

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If the reforms laid out by the commission's chair, Condoleezza Rice, were adopted, players would have a little more freedom to explore professional options. But the NCAA would wind up being more powerful, more punitive and more bureaucratic.

Review: 'Disobedience' is daring depiction of complex love

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The Chilean director Sebastian Lelio is already having quite the 2018. In March, he scooped up an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for "A Fantastic Woman," his whimsical and harrowing portrait of a transgender woman trying to survive the aftermath of her lover's death. His new film, "Disobedience," is making waves for its daring depiction of a complex erotic relationship between two women, played by Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams.

Even the (supposed) final release of JFK assassination documents has a caveat

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It was all supposed to draw to a close last October, but President Donald Trump gave the CIA, FBI and other agencies another six months to argue for continued secrecy for some material. Then Thursday, the deadline day, the White House announced an unspecified number of documents would remain secret until Oct. 26, 2021.

Mattis defends new transgender policy, drawing senator’s ire

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told lawmakers Thursday that none of the four military services’ top generals nor the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were consulted before his predecessor permitted transgender people to serve in the armed forces two years ago.

President Trump to visit to Britain in July

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President Donald Trump will travel to Britain in July for a working visit, the office of British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Thursday, making good on an invitation delayed in part by the threat of protests and unrest in London.

Allegations against Ronny Jackson still threaten to derail his military career

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Allegations of misconduct against President Donald Trump's former nominee to run the Department of Veterans Affairs threatened Thursday to derail his military career and promotion to two-star admiral, even after the nominee, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, withdrew from consideration for the cabinet post.

Музыкальные новости

Рэпер Баста благословил девушку на брак во время своего концерта

Персональные новости
Анфиса Чехова

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Mattis says 'obvious aspects' of Iran nuclear deal can be improved upon

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Thursday emphasized the value of certain aspects of the Iran nuclear agreement, even as President Donald Trump considers pulling out of the 2015 deal, which he has attacked repeatedly and this week called "insane."

Mattis pledges re-energized ISIS fight in Syria, says US would regret leaving

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American troops will be key in a soon-to-be re-energized campaign against remaining Islamic State fighters in Syria, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told senators Thursday on Capitol Hill, pledging the United States was not preparing to pull its forces from the war-torn country.

Trump says Cohen represented him in 'this crazy Stormy Daniels deal'

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President Donald Trump said Thursday that his personal attorney Michael Cohen represented him "with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal," after previously denying any knowledge of a payment Cohen made to the porn actress alleging an affair with Trump.

Спорт в России и мире

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


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В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в совершении серии краж

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