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Новости за 25.04.2018

Forced to deliver babies for ISIS, midwife shared moments tender, cruel and grotesque

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Samira al-Nasr, 66, is among the millions who lived under the Islamic State's violent and austere rule in Syria and Iraq, but she witnessed a side of the militancy that perhaps no other outsider did. She was coerced, she said, into delivering countless babies for ISIS families, attending the most intimate moments of their secluded lives, which she described as alternately ordinary and grotesque.

The one-and-done rule is on the way out - because of NBA money, not NCAA morals

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The first recommendation in the Commission on College Basketball's anticipated report in response to charges of corruption, which was released to the public Wednesday, was one that virtually everyone knew was coming from the moment the commission was created: the elimination of "one-and-done" from the sport's lexicon.

'Golden State Killer' suspect arrested after DNA match, officials say

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More than 40 years after the so-called "Golden State Killer" began to terrorize Californians, raping dozens of women and killing at least 12, authorities announced Wednesday that they had arrested 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo in the case.

It feels like the end of an era for the San Antonio Spurs

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For so many years, the San Antonio Spurs have been the NBA's constant. One great team after another has come and gone, and all the while the Spurs have been ever-present at the top of the NBA standings for more than two decades.

French President Macron urges US to reject isolationism

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French President Emmanuel Macron urged the United States to reject fear and isolationism Wednesday and instead embrace the historic bond between the two countries to launch a new era of 21st century leadership and security.

Macron offers Trump a 3rd way to deal with Syria

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France and the U.S. may have worked together to strike the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons infrastructure on April 13, but the two countries have had different objectives.

NCAA basketball report: Sound and fury, signifying nothing

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The NCAA's much-ballyhooed commission on college basketball reform, the one appointed by NCAA President Mark Emmert last fall in the wake of the FBI arrests and revelations about the sport, delivered its report Wednesday.

Carson to propose rent increases for Americans receiving federal housing subsidies

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Currently, tenants generally pay 30 percent of their adjusted income toward rent or a the public housing agency minimum rent not to exceed $50. The administration's legislative proposal sets the family monthly rent contribution at 35 percent of their gross income or 35 percent of their earnings by working 15 hours a week at the federal minimum wage — or approximately $150 a month

Chinese tech giant Huawei said to be probed by FBI for possible Iran violations

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Agents from the FBI, which is overseen by the Justice Department, have been looking into transactions by the Shenzhen, China-based mobile and telecommunications giant, the people said. According to one of them, the criminal inquiry grew out of an earlier sanctions-violation probe that ultimately led to penalties against another Chinese technology company, ZTE Corp.

Pentagon audit faults World Bank's $10 billion Afghan effort

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A Pentagon watchdog faulted the World Bank and Afghanistan's government for failing to shield billions of dollars in aid from potential waste or misuse, saying that long-identified weaknesses remain in a program that provides 40 percent of non-military expenditures in the country.

US Italy-based soldiers walk in Denim Day anti-sexual assault event

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Denim Day got its start after a 1998 court decision in which justices overturned the rape conviction of a driving instructor who attacked a teenager, saying the girl’s tight jeans would have been impossible for the instructor to remove without her assistance. The day after the decision, women in the Italian Parliament wore jeans and held placards that read “Jeans: An Alibi for Rape.”

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Review: It’s not all fun and games in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

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Every time I review a Marvel movie (with the exception of “Black Panther”), I can’t help but use a simile that popped up while reviewing “Captain America: Civil War.” These movies are like eating at a chain restaurant. It’s comforting because you know what you’re going to get, but it’s never anything new or exciting. To extend the metaphor to “Avengers: Infinity War” - which is a Part One, even if it isn’t named as such - this offering is a lot like ordering the sampler platter. It’s the stuff we know and like... Читать дальше...

Movies on base through May 2

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands.

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