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Новости за 19.04.2018

Naples mayor: US submarine used in Syria missile attacks unwelcome in port

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The mayor of Naples said a nuclear-powered submarine that took part in missile strikes against suspected Syrian chemical weapons sites should not have cruised through waters near the city, but Italian military officials said he has no jurisdiction over the matter.

'Grease' is still the word for Lorenzo Lamas

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It was a trip to the Academy Awards that set Lorenzo Lamas in motion to be part of one of the most successful movie musicals of all time: “Grease.” The film, which has taken in more than $188 million at the box office (second only to the live version of “Beauty and the Beast”), celebrates its 40th anniversary this year with a special DVD release.

Failure to launch: Afghanistan’s economy stalls without troop presence

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The Afghan economy tanked after large numbers of coalition troops — and the jobs created to support them — left the country, indicating a 16-year, $122 billion reconstruction effort failed to develop a sustainable economic system, according to a U.S. watchdog agency.

Failure to launch: Afghan’s economy stalls without troop presence

Stars and Stripes 

The Afghan economy tanked after large numbers of coalition troops — and the jobs created to support them — left the country, indicating a 16-year, $122 billion reconstruction effort failed to develop a sustainable economic system, according to a U.S. watchdog agency.

Steve Spurrier will succeed, but can the AAF follow?

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Steve Spurrier made the Gators a name-brand powerhouse. He lifted South Carolina out of the low country. Now he’s itching to attempt a real football miracle, namely make a pro league not named “NFL” succeed.

The end is near for Davis-Monthan AFB's Blanchard Golf Course

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Blanchard Golf Course is 56 years old and it will not live to see 57. It will close April 30. It will shut down for the same reasons that Canoa Hills Golf Club and Santa Rita Golf Club closed: Life changed a lot, and golf didn’t change as much.

Neller: Marines 'in better place' since sexual misconduct scandals

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Gen. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marines, told a Senate panel on Thursday that the Corps has enacted a series of reforms to reign in the culture of harassment that has included sexual misconduct and long plagued the service.

This is a story about a stoned raccoon at a fire station

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Repeatedly pressing the doorbell was a frantic woman. In her arms was a furry, masked animal that firefighters later described as "lethargic." Through her panic, the woman divulged that it was a pet raccoon — and that it was severely stoned.

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'Pharma Bro' moves to New Jersey – for federal prison stay

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Martin Shkreli, a pharmaceutical-industry entrepreneur vilified for jacking up the price of a life-saving drug and who was dubbed "Pharma Bro" for his loutish behavior, was moved Tuesday to a low-security federal prison in New Jersey where he is to serve out a seven-year prison sentence handed down in March for securities fraud.

A tale of two spaceships: One gets the glory, the other gets dismantled

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They were built at the same time and with the same design. But one is put through the wringer, pulled and prodded until it’s dismantled and co-opted for parts. The other — the Orion spacecraft — will head to space for three weeks in December 2019 as part of NASA’s Exploration Mission-1 before returning to earth where it will be met with glory and attention.

Dental soldiers set up clinics in the field

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The company — one of three in the Army — is scheduled to deploy to Kuwait as part of a regular rotation next spring. This week, these soldiers got out of their brick-and-mortar clinics to practice their skills in an austere environment.

Cuba's former vice president selected to replace Castro as president

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Raul Castro said Thursday that he expected Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel Bermudez to serve two five-year terms as president and eventually take Castro's place as head of the Communist Party, potentially dominating Cuban politics until 2031.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

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