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Новости за 27.04.2018

Kucinich to return $20,000 to pro-Syrian government group

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Former U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a Democratic candidate for Ohio governor, said he plans to return a $20,000 speaking fee he received last year from a group sympathetic to Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Man arrested after tractor chase through 2 counties

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Menard County Sheriff Mark Oller estimated that the top speed of the tractor was about 22 mph. He added that when the tractor went over a levee, it was going so fast that the front wheels left the ground.

As Merkel visits, Trump points to 'great relationship'

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President Donald Trump welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White House on Friday for a visit of less than three hours. Trump called Merkel an "extraordinary woman" and congratulated her on her recent re-election.

House panel clears Trump campaign in Russia probe

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The House intelligence committee on Friday released a lengthy report concluding it found no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, a finding that drew praise from the president and rebuttals from Democrats.

Europe, US police seize servers used by ISIS propaganda sites

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Police around Europe and North America have seized servers and data from Islamic State propaganda outlets in a multi-country operation aimed at tracking down radicals and crimping the group's ability to spread its violent message.

They're on the lookout for malware that can kill

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The cyber threat hunters had honed their chops at the National Security Agency — the world's premier electronic spy agency. And last fall, they were analyzing malware samples from around the world when they stumbled across something highly troubling: the first known piece of computer software designed to kill humans.

Constitution doesn’t guarantee your anonymity

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By all means fight for the right of anti-racists to keep their masks on as they protest. Just remember that you’re fighting for the rights of racists, too.

Музыкальные новости
Александр Розенбаум

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Big Bad Wolf lays solid foundation for new ‘Council’ series with ‘Mad Ones’

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Despite technical flaws, the Telltale formula has propelled the studio to the upper echelons of gaming, leading more developers to leap into the episodic adventure pond following their games’ success. Big Bad Wolf, a French indie developer, is the latest to step up to the plate and is doing so with a secret society-centered mystery adventure set in the 1700s.

Bipartisan principles instinctual for veterans

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Veterans are comfortable meeting voters where they stand. Those who had to navigate local dynamics in Afghanistan or Iraq understand that one size doesn’t fit all.

What Reagan can teach Trump about nuke deals

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The real question may be what Trump will do long-term if it becomes evident Kim won’t give up the nuclear capacity that has been his ticket to being taken seriously by the United States.

Many women voted for Trump, all on their own

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Is it possible people such as Clinton and Bernhard are oblivious to how insulting their comments are to the millions of women who chose the Trump-Pence ticket? Or do they simply not care?

Windows is getting an update

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The new release — called the "Windows April 2018 Update" — introduces three major features. There's a new timeline view, a feature to help you ignore distractions, and improved voice control.

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


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