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Новости за 10.04.2018

Senate committee closes in on new war resolution vote

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Key members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Tuesday that they had resolved the biggest stumbling block to writing a new resolution to govern the ongoing war on terrorist groups.

Border Patrol supervisor in Texas charged in deaths of woman, child

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Texas authorities say a supervisor for the U.S. Border Patrol killed a woman with whom he was romantically involved and her 1-year-old child before calling 911 claiming to have discovered the bodies near a park along the border with Mexico.

Lindsey Graham not of one mind on Trump’s conduct

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It’s the question of the day in Washington. How would Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, respond if the probe of President Donald Trump’s relations with Russia reaches a crisis stage?

USARAF hosts African army chiefs at security conference

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Army defense chiefs, military attaches and other senior officers from about 40 African nations will meet in Nigeria’s capital next week to discuss security cooperation on the continent.

Remains of Arkansas sailor killed in Pearl Harbor attack identified

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Glenn Tipton was killed aboard the battleship USS Oklahoma during the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. His remains were identified after his family submitted DNA five years ago to the U.S. Navy as part of its efforts to distinguish the remains of sailors.

Abandoned bicycles a problem for Coast Guard, ferries in Washington

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Officials say when a passenger leaves a bicycle behind, Coast Guard and ferry personnel treat like a potential distress situation until the bicyclist can be confirmed safe. Each response can require helicopters, boats and specialized crews to search for nonexistent victims.

Review: 'Sgt. Stubby' is a good dog-turned war hero, but his tale deserves heftier treatment

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The tale of friendly stray mutt-turned-war hero is the kind of true story built for cinematic adaptation. Director Richard Lanni, who has worked on documentary films and series about World War II, co-wrote the animated film “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero” with veteran and Hollywood military advisor Mike Stokey. It depicts the inspiring and unlikely story of Stubby, a mutt who made his way from a training base in Connecticut to the trenches of France during World War I. For his heroic actions, Stubby... Читать дальше...

Air Force to probe rise in low-level, non-fatal aviation mishaps

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Gen. David Goldfein, the Air Force chief of staff, has ordered a probe into low-level, non-fatal aviation mishaps, asking investigators to determine whether underlying issues are responsible for an uptick in their frequency in recent years, Air Force officials said Tuesday.

Музыкальные новости

"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг

Персональные новости

Расплата за расточительство! ФК «Оренбург» на домашнем поле уступил ФК «Динамо» (Москва) – 1:2

Chemical weapons watchdog to send inspectors to Syria

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The international chemical weapons watchdog said Tuesday it will send a fact-finding team to the Syrian town where a suspected gas attack took place over the weekend, after receiving a request from the Syrian government and its Russian backers to investigate the allegations.

USS Theodore Roosevelt sails in disputed sea as China shows own force

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Recent U.S. deployments of aircraft carriers, backed by destroyers, to the disputed waters for freedom of navigation challenges to Beijing's territorial claims are reassuring allies but also sparking concerns with China's own show of force in the busy waterway.

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Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


Суд отказался отправлять на экспертизу документ об отставке Дубровина из правительства Забайкалья

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