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Новости за 28.04.2017

Among Trump aides, Mattis emerges as a key voice on national security issues

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Jim Mattis' strong standing in Trump's Cabinet makes the top Pentagon position more powerful than it has been in recent years, helping to steer the administration toward more traditional foreign policy positions while allocating greater authority and resources to the military at a time of complex and myriad global threats.

Sexual harassment, cyber bullying continue to roil Marine Corps

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In Oceanside, civil rights attorney Gloria Allred held a news conference with two victims of the original scandal to accuse Pentagon and congressional leaders of conducting a weak investigation into the misconduct. She also asserted that military commanders were attempting a face-saving effort instead of instituting significant reforms.

We’re US’ best friend in Syria. Turkey bombed us anyway.

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If Erdogan were a true U.S. ally, then instead of dropping bombs on the headquarters of the YPG, which currently hosts more than 1,000 U.S. military personnel, Turkey would seek to destroy al-Qaida, which has set up bases in Idlib, right along the Turkish border.

Shutdown on hold, but here’s what’s next

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Republicans’ intraparty divisions, Democrats’ attempts to exercise influence where they can, and a polarizing president likely mean a long summer (and fall?) of fiscal fights ahead.

Ramstein sweeps soccer doubleheader from ISB

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The girls scored two unanswered goals in the second half on the way to a runaway 4-1 win. But the boys needed a late set-piece score to drag a 1-0 victory out of a physical matchup with their old foe.

'Apartheid' furor comes amid 50 years of Israeli occupation

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Labeling Israel's treatment of Palestinians as "apartheid" is like flinging a burning match into spilled gasoline — so combustible are the passions on both sides. Rima Khalaf did just that when a report commissioned by her U.N. agency at the request of 18 Arab member states accused Israel of having established an apartheid regime designed to dominate the Palestinian people as a whole.

Veterans to disclose experiences at VA hospital in DC following scandal

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The American Legion is attempting to expose veterans’ issues at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ flagship hospital in Washington, D.C., following a watchdog report earlier this month that found the facility could have endangered the well-being of patients.

Macedonian opposition chief shuns emergency political talks

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Macedonia's opposition chief rejected the president's call for emergency party leaders' talks Friday, hours after demonstrators — mostly supporters of the country's dominant conservative party — invaded parliament and assaulted opposition lawmakers.

Street gang MS-13 grips Long Island suburbs in violence

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MS-13 has been blamed for a trail of 11 corpses of mostly young people discovered in woods and vacant lots in Brentwood and neighboring Central Islip since the start of the school year. The bloodshed in the two blue-collar towns has gotten the attention of President Donald Trump, who says the killings are the result of lax immigration policies that let too many criminal "scum" slip through.

Reports: US troops deploy along Syria-Turkish border

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U.S. armored vehicles are deploying in areas in northern Syria along the tense border with Turkey, a few days after a Turkish airstrike that killed 20 U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters, a Syrian war monitor and Kurdish activists said Friday.

Pope urges Egypt imams to teach and preach tolerance, peace

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Pope Francis urged Egypt's leading imams on Friday to teach their students to reject violence in God's name and preach messages of peace and tolerance instead, forging ahead with a delicate visit to the Arab world's most populous country following a spate of deadly Islamic militant attacks against Christians.

Full honors for Filipino-American WWII vet who died at 101

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Florence Ebersole Smith Finch, a U.S. Coast Guard veteran who was held captive and tortured by the Japanese during World War II, will be buried Saturday with full military honors. She died Dec. 8 at the age of 101.

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Players battle aliens, machines for existential gains in ‘Nier: Automata’

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“Nier: Automata” is a game that refuses to settle for what you expect. Yoko Taro, creator of “Drakengard” and its spinoff “Nier,” has gained a reputation for his unique approach to game design. I’d venture to call him the video game industry equivalent of a mad scientist. The first “Nier” was such a shock to the system that it took a while before it started getting the praise it really deserved. It was a title that mixed emotional depth with off-the-wall design to create something strangely beautiful. Читать дальше...

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