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Новости за 08.04.2017

US soldier killed in operation battling ISIS in Afghanistan

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The soldier was killed while conducting operations against the Islamic State’s offshoot in Nangarhar province, U.S. Navy Capt. Bill Slavin, a U.S. Forces-Afghanistan spokesman said in a statement posted to Twitter.

US cites progress against Islamic State in Afghanistan

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A U.S. military spokesman says Afghan and international forces have reduced the territory controlled by Islamic State militants in Afghanistan by two-thirds and killed around half the affiliate's fighters in the last two years.

Warplanes strike Syrian town hit by chemical attack

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Warplanes on Saturday struck the Syrian town where a chemical attack had killed scores of people earlier this week, as Turkey warned that a retaliatory U.S. missile strike on a Syrian air base would only be "cosmetic" if greater efforts are not made to remove President Bashar Assad from power.

UN envoy: Stalled Cyprus peace talks to resume April 11

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Stalled talks aimed at reunifying ethnically divided Cyprus appeared to be back on track Tuesday after a United Nations envoy said negotiations will resume next week after a nearly two-month break.

Spain seizes property worth $735M linked to Assad's uncle

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Spanish police investigating a money laundering case involving former Syrian vice president Rifaat Assad — the exiled uncle of Syria's current leader — raided properties and blocked dozens of bank accounts belonging or linked to him and his relatives on Tuesday.

Former bodyguard maintains role as top Trump protector

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During Jared Kushner's visit to Iraq this week, one man stood out from the military uniforms and business suits. At a table with top Iraqi Kurdish leaders, an imposing figure in an Adidas athletic jacket sat next to President Donald Trump's trusted son-in-law and senior adviser. Meet Keith Schiller, Trump's former bodyguard.

Unusually large swarm of icebergs drifts into shipping lanes

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More than 400 icebergs have drifted into the North Atlantic shipping lanes over the past week in an unusually large swarm for this early in the season, forcing vessels to slow to a crawl or take detours of hundreds of miles.

Turkey says US strikes 'cosmetic' if Assad stays in power

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Turkey described the U.S. missile attack on an air base as a "cosmetic intervention" unless it removes President Bashar Assad from power. Iran called Saturday for the formation of an international fact-finding committee to investigate the chemical weapons attack in a northern Syrian town that killed scores of people and trigged the American attack.

FBI reviews handling of terrorism-related tips

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The FBI has been reviewing the handling of thousands of terrorism-related tips and leads from the past three years to make sure they were properly investigated and no obvious red flags were missed, The Associated Press has learned.

Purged from Turkish army, NATO officers get asylum in Norway

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Norway and Turkey — NATO's northern and southern frontiers in Europe — have been pillars of the Western military alliance for more than 60 years. But the diplomatic temperature between the two has fallen steadily since Turkey recalled dozens of military officers as suspects in an aborted coup — and Norway became the first nation to grant some of them asylum.

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Sweden identifies truck attack suspect as Uzbek native

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The suspect in Stockholm's deadly beer truck attack is a 39-year-old native of Uzbekistan who had been on authorities' radar previously, Swedish officials said Saturday. The prime minister urged citizens to "get through this" and strolled through the streets of the capital to chat with residents.

Texas spending big on border security despite Trump promises

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As a budget shortfall in Texas threatens cuts to colleges and Medicaid, a costly border security operation is proving largely untouchable despite President Donald Trump's promises to build a wall and the plunging number of people caught illegally entering the U.S.

Border turns quiet under Trump amid steep drop in arrests

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Just five people were eating dinner on a recent weeknight at a Texas church that is a stopping point for newly arrived immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border. On a typical night last year, hundreds of immigrants might come through the church.

US vows to keep up pressure on Syria after missile strikes

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The United States is vowing to keep up the pressure on Syria after the intense nighttime wave of missile strikes from U.S. ships, despite the prospect of escalating Russian ill will that could further inflame one of the world's most vexing conflicts.

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