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Новости за 21.04.2017

Pat's Run shadow runs expand to 32 cities to honor Tillman

Stars and Stripes 

Every April, 28,000 runners descend upon the Arizona State University campus to cover the 4.2 miles of Pat's Run. The run started in 2004 as a way to honor Pat Tillman, the former NFL football player killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.

Police officer killed in Paris was on duty during 2015 terror attack

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The Paris police officer who was shot to death while at work on the French capital's most famous boulevard had seen firsthand the horror that could be carried out in the name of the Islamic State group. Xavier Jugele was one of the officers who raced to the Bataclan concert hall the night three armed men in suicide bombs stormed a show and slaughtered 90 people on Nov. 13, 2015.

Fresno killings suspect shouts out during 1st court hearing

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Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, was supposed to be officially informed about the first-degree murder charge he is accused of in the shooting death of an unarmed security guard. But the reading of the charge never happened because Muhammad had another outburst, yelling "Let black people go" and a phrase similar to "in reparations" that was not clearly enunciated.

Delicate bargain frees 26 hostages, including Qatar royals

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After nearly a year and a half in captivity, Qatar on Friday secured the release of 26 hostages, including members of its ruling family, in what became possibly the region's most complex and sensitive hostage negotiation deal in recent years.

US congressional leader Ryan: US stands with NATO, Poland

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U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan brought a message of solidarity to Poland's leaders on Friday, telling them that the United States supports NATO and shares Polish concerns about "Russian aggression."

Time is running out for Congress to settle on budget

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Congress returns from recess Monday to reckon with the looming threat of a government shutdown and the likelihood that no matter what resolution lawmakers reach for the stalled budget process, appropriations for the military will fall short of what the service chiefs say they need.

Grafenwoehr soldiers set up martial arts club

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The first rule of this fight club is to talk about it. Army combatives instructors and soldiers with a background in kickboxing and jiujitsu want to get the word out about the martial arts club they’ve set up.

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Владимир Путин

«Есть ответы на вопросы бизнеса»: Хуснуллин об итогах встречи с Путиным на РСПП

Paris gunman had note defending ISIS group

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The Champs-Elysees gunman who shot and killed a Paris police officer just days before France's presidential election had a note with him defending the Islamic State group, France's anti-terrorism prosecutor said Friday.

North Korea's conventional weapons a major factor as tensions rise

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If the United States were to strike North Korea, Kim Jong Un's regime would retaliate by unleashing its conventional weaponry lined up on the demilitarized zone. And that conventional weaponry is reliable, unlike North Korea's missiles.

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