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Новости за 26.04.2017

Staffer who came under fire over Ewok meme resigns post for Navy job

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In February, Courtney Carrow, the legislative director for NY Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, came under fire for promoting a meme that seemingly compared Afghans to fictional “Star Wars” characters known as Ewoks. A Stefanik spokesman said there was “no connection” between Carrow’s resignation and the Ewok meme incident.

VA limiting new hiring as it aims to widen private care

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Despite the lifting of a federal hiring freeze, the Department of Veterans Affairs is opting to leave thousands of positions unfilled. It is citing the need for a leaner VA as it develops a longer-term plan to allow more veterans to seek medical care in the private sector.

White House briefs Senate amid scary moment with North Korea

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The Trump administration hosted senators for an extraordinary White House briefing Wednesday at a perilous moment with North Korea, marked by the unpredictable nation's nuclear threats and stern talk of military action, if necessary, from the United States.

Trump team softens war talk, vows other pressure on N. Korea

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The Trump administration hosted senators for an extraordinary White House briefing Wednesday at a perilous moment with North Korea, marked by the unpredictable nation's nuclear threats and stern talk of military action, if necessary, from the United States.

Review: 'Guardians' returns and it’s better than the first

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In James Gunn’s sequel to his swashbuckling space Western, the Guardians of the Galaxy do their version of “The Empire Strikes Back,” complete with daddy issues but with a considerably more anarchic spirit and enough acerbic interplay among its interstellar gang to make Obi-Wan blush.

Dems leave no space for abortion opponents

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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is not usually considered a moderating force within the Democratic Party, but at the moment he is playing that role on abortion policy.

Trump signs executive order requiring review of national monuments

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President Donald Trump has signed an executive order mandating the review of dozens of national monuments designated by his predecessors over the past 20 years. Trump's move could upend protections of federal lands in Utah and other states.

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Saudis thwart attempted attack on oil facility near Yemen

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Saudi Arabia said Wednesday its security forces thwarted an attempted attack on an Aramco oil distribution center involving an unmanned boat from Yemen, where the kingdom is at war with Shiite rebels.

Army to move brigade’s worth of firepower into Poland

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The U.S. Army in Europe is moving ahead with a plan to place another brigade’s worth of combat-ready armor and artillery inside Poland in an effort to push firepower closer to potential hot spots along NATO’s eastern flank.

San Diego schools defend effort to fight Islamophobia

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One of the nation's largest school districts is defending its campaign to fight Islamophobia and promote understanding of Muslim culture against critics who say it is favoring a religion.

China talking with European Space Agency about moon outpost

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Representatives of China and the European Space Agency are discussing potential collaboration on a human outpost on the moon and other possible joint endeavors, according to a spokesman for the European agency and Chinese media reports.

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