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Новости за 07.04.2017

US officials: ISIS turning to ‘civilian sacrifice’ strategy to hamper coalition strikes

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Officials at a coalition “strike cell” in Iraq have witnessed many ISIS fighters pulling women and children from homes and hiding behind them to block strikes. But they now believe militants are sneaking families into homes and intentionally drawing fire on them as “human sacrifices” to stymie coalition air and artillery support.

Marines punished for social media comments; 15 other servicemembers investigated

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The Marine Corps has punished two California-based Marines for derogatory remarks that they expressed on social media about a female Marine and service leadership, and law enforcement agents have uncovered at least 56 people suspected of involvement in a nude-photo sharing scandal, military officials said Friday.

Airborne unit in Alaska tapped for Afghanistan deployment

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About 1,500 soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division in Alaska are deploying to Afghanistan as part of a regular rotation as the war in that country continues its 16th year, the Army announced Friday.

Senate confirms Trump pick Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court

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The Senate confirmed Neil Gorsuch to become the newest associate justice on the Supreme Court Friday, elevating Donald Trump's nominee following a corrosive partisan confrontation that could have lasting impacts for the Senate and the court.

4 killed in Stockholm truck attack described as terrorism

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A hijacked beer truck plowed into pedestrians at a central Stockholm department store Friday, killing four people, injuring 15 and sending screaming shoppers scattering in panic in what Sweden's prime minister called a terrorist attack.

Russia complains, but other nations rally around US strikes

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World leaders and U.S. lawmakers on Friday rallied around President Donald Trump's surprise decision to launch a missile strike against a Syrian air base, the most significant military action of Trump's young presidency.

Syria strike escalates tensions with Russia

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President Donald Trump’s speedy decision to attack a Syrian air base Thursday has ratcheted up tensions with Russia and could risk a broader escalation with Moscow should the White House embark upon a bigger campaign against the Syrian government, analysts say.

Protester bites cop outside US military base on Okinawa

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A woman was arrested Thursday after authorities said she bit a police officer outside a Marine Corps base on Okinawa – one of three arrests that day near U.S. military installations on the island.

US strike on Syria is widely praised, but angers Russia

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Syria decried a U.S. missile strike early Friday on a government-controlled air base where U.S. officials say the Syrian military launched a deadly chemical attack earlier this week. Syria called the operation "an aggression" that killed at least six people. Rebels welcomed the U.S. attack.

What is the US/Russia ‘deconfliction line?’

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A communication link between U.S. and Russian military officials has protected pilots flying missions over the crowded skies of war-ravaged Syria, but now Moscow says it is suspending its cooperation over an American missile strike.

New radar extends Army’s vision in Europe as eyes turn to Russia

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The 2nd Cavalry Regiment Field Artillery Squadron has begun training on a new radar system that enhances the Army’s ability to monitor the border between NATO’s eastern member states and Russia, whose assertive posture has many alliance members worried.

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First Marines punished for online conduct following nude photo scandal

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Two Marines have been disciplined for posting derogatory comments on social media, marking the first time the Marine Corps has officially punished members for online misconduct following last month's revelations that hundreds of servicemembers shared illicit photos of their female counterparts on a Facebook group, Marine officials said Friday.

UN images: 18,000 destroyed structures in South Sudan region

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United Nations satellite images obtained by The Associated Press show at least 18,000 structures have been destroyed in the Yei area of South Sudan. It is one of the most significant caches of evidence of widespread destruction in the country's civil war.

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