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Новости за 15.04.2017

You know CPR. Now firefighters want you to be able to treat shooting and bombing victims

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Fire and law enforcement officials believe that people armed with these skills can save lives because they’re often the first ones at a crime scene. Many of those injured in the Boston Marathon bombing survived in part because bystanders started creating makeshift dressings and tourniquets before paramedics showed up, experts say.

More than 100 killed during Syria's troubled population transfer

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A stalled population transfer resumed Saturday after a deadly explosion killed at least 100, including children, government supporters and opposition fighters, at an evacuation point — adding new urgency to the widely criticized operation.

North Korea's display of new missiles is worrying, analysts say

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April 15 is the most important day in the North Korean calendar, and Kim Jong Un has celebrated his grandfather's birthday with great fanfare as a way to boost his own legitimacy as the successor to the communist dynasty.

ATF says fatal explosion at ammunition plant in Missouri was accidental

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After completing their on-scene examination to determine the cause of Tuesday's fatal explosion at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, investigators have determined the blast was accidental, according to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Iran's Ahmadinejad says he sees no threat from US

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Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday he does not view recent U.S. missile strikes on ally Syria as a message for Iran, which he called a "powerful country" that the U.S. cannot harm.

Lancers off and running to start season

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Lakenheath sprinted, leapt and threw for first place in 15 events against visiting teams from Bitburg, Brussels, Alconbury and Baumholder.

Thousands of Iraqi Christians to celebrate another Easter away from home

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A giant statue of Mary, the mother of Jesus, stands with open arms in a park that divides one of the busier roads in this suburb of the Kurdish region’s capital, where a U.S. consulate is located and American military helicopters often cross the skies. It’s an appropriate symbol for this Christian enclave, where some 12,000 displaced Iraqi Christian families have taken refuge.

Military Night honors 2 Marine Corps veterans

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Ted Salisbury and Jennifer Vollbrecht are living proof that military veterans come in all shapes, sizes and genders. He is a 94-year-old Stocktonian who earned three Purple Hearts during World War II and in Korea. She is a 31-year-old Mantecan who served in Iraq and became the one of the few women in the Marines to earn a Combat Crew Insignia. The common thread between them is a love of the Marine Corps and pride in serving their country.

Hawaii museum honors Doolittle Raiders

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The museum has on display a ship’s bell from the Hornet that is on loan from the Navy and is normally at a Pearl Harbor munitions depot that’s off-limits to the public.

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Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

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Philippines: Foiled attack staged by ISIS-linked militants

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A foiled attack on a central Philippine resort island this week was a kidnapping and bombing mission by at least three extremist groups affiliated with the Islamic State group in one of their most daring terror plots, security officials said Saturday.

Twin WWII veterans celebrate 92nd birthdays

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When they were drafted at the age of 18 while juniors at El Paso High School and shipped to the southwest Pacific during World War II, it would only make sense that they would seek to be together and protect each while fighting the Japanese. The two started off as excited new members of the U.S. Air Force, but within weeks were sent to the 24th Infantry Division, 34th Regiment, Company H, when replacements were needed.

Big schools start off with big results on track

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Stuttgart dominated the girls’ distance events, sweeping each of the 800 meters, the 1,600 and the 3,200 with a deep rotation of runners in those events. On the boys’ side, the Royals ran away from the field.

Microsoft says users are protected from alleged NSA malware

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Up-to-date Microsoft customers are safe from the purported National Security Agency spying tools dumped online, the software company said Saturday, tamping down fears that the digital arsenal was poised to wreak havoc across the internet .

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