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Новости за 23.04.2017

On Holocaust day, Netanyahu says its lessons guide him

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened Israel's annual memorial day for the 6 million Jews systematically killed by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II by saying the lessons of the Holocaust guide him daily and issuing a warning to Israel's enemies not to test it.

Centrist Macron, far-right Le Pen in battle to lead France

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Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right populist Marine Le Pen advanced Sunday to a runoff in France's presidential election, remaking the country's political landscape and setting up a showdown over its participation in the European Union.

France's next leader: centrist Macron vs. far-right Le Pen

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Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right populist Marine Le Pen advanced Sunday to a runoff in France's presidential election, remaking the country's political landscape and setting up a showdown over its participation in the European Union.

Africa Command: Piracy is on the rise off the Horn of Africa

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The U.S. military in East Africa is monitoring a sudden return of piracy around the Horn of Africa, likely caused by deteriorating economic conditions and famine throughout the region, U.S. defense officials said Sunday.

Saudi king names son as US envoy as ties boosted with Trump

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Saudi Arabia's King Salman issued a decree late Saturday naming one of his sons, an air force pilot who has taken part in coalition strikes against the Islamic State group, as the kingdom's new ambassador to the U.S.

French vote for president in litmus test for Europe's future

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Amid heightened security, French voters began casting ballots for their next president Sunday in a first-round poll that's being seen as a litmus test for the future of Europe and the spread of populism around the world.

Trump heads into tough week with budget, health care battles

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President Donald Trump is heading into one of the most challenging weeks of his presidency, juggling a renewed push on health care and a looming budget deadline. It's complicated by a potential showdown with Democrats over paying for a border wall.

The few, the proud, the pugilists

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In its decades of existence, the All-Marine Boxing Team, based in Camp Lejeune, has produced some of the top boxers in the country.

Corpses being sent home for burial after Taliban attack

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Dozens of corpses are being sent to different provinces around the country for burial two days after a Taliban attack on a northern Afghanistan army base left at least 100 soldiers and others dead or wounded.

Police ambush killer's strategy to avoid death: Blame Dad

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As Eric Frein tries to avoid death row for ambushing two Pennsylvania State Police troopers at their barracks, defense lawyers are suggesting they intend to raise questions about his father's influence on the gunman, a college dropout and ne'er-do-well who lived with his parents into his 30s.

Duterte says he can be 50 times more brutal than terrorists

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He raised his shock rhetoric to a new level Sunday when he said in a speech during the opening of a national sports tournament what he could do to terrorists who have staged beheadings and other gruesome attacks.

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Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки

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Islamic State attacks Iraq police base, 1 killed

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Cpt. Mahmoud Attia, a police spokesman, told The Associated Press that a sleeper cell of three IS fighters attacked the base Sunday in Hamam al-Alil, some 20 miles south of Mosul.

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Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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