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Новости за 16.04.2017

Fireworks in Istanbul as 'Yes' side seems to claim victory

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With 97 percent of the ballots counted in Turkey's historic referendum, those who back constitutional changes greatly expanding President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's powers had a narrow lead Sunday night, the official Anadolu news agency said.

Homeland chief rejects idea US building a 'deportation force'

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The U.S. Homeland Security secretary on Sunday defended plans to hire thousands of additional immigration and border-control agents, saying the Trump administration's lower bar on criminal behavior by undocumented immigrants merits a larger force.

General: 2nd gas attack on Iraq troops in as many days

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The spokesman for the Joint Operation Command in Iraq says the Islamic State group has attacked government troops with some type of gas in western Mosul - the second such attack in as many days.

McMaster casts doubt on US sending more troops to Syria

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President Donald Trump's national security adviser is expressing doubt the U.S. will send more ground troops to Syria. His comments come as rebel forces appear close to launching an assault to capture the Islamic State group's de facto capital of Raqqa.

5 things to know about US Vice President Mike Pence

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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is embarking on a 10-day, four-nation tour of the Asia-Pacific this weekend, arriving in South Korea after a failed missile launch by the North. His visit comes amid tensions over North Korea's aggressive flaunting of its nuclear and missile program.

Service, sacrifice and an enduring partnership

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When United States forces arrived in England in 1942 and when its allies celebrated V-E day in May 1945, it was not envisioned how the world would change, and that the United States and others would be military partners in Europe today.

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова оправдалась за слитые в сеть снимки: «Ничем никого не удивишь»

Персональные новости

ENERGON поделился успешным кейсом внедрения системы управления предприятием 1C:ERP

Posters in Pennsylvania museum show WWI efforts

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The 23 posters in the exhibit represent three major themes: military recruitment, the conservation of food and other material essential to the war effort, and urging people to buy "Liberty" bonds.

After North Korea's big parade, what's next?

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In an interview with The Associated Press, a senior North Korean official said Friday that Pyongyang has determined that Trump is "more vicious and aggressive" than his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Fort Carson prepares for massive road trip

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Preparations for the 143-mile trek have taken nearly a year, and the unit's mechanics have been hopping to make sure all of its trucks and eight-wheeled, 18-ton Stryker vehicles are ready for the long haul.

Mass evacuation in Syria to proceed after deadly blast

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Critics say the string of evacuations, which could see some 30,000 people moved across battle lines over the next 60 days, amounts to forced displacement along political and sectarian lines.

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Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Елена Рыбакина

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде


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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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