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Новости за 01.04.2017

US increasingly sees Iran's hand in the arming of Bahraini militants

Stars and Stripes 

The men who built the secret bomb factory had been clever - suspiciously so, Bahraini investigators thought, for a gang known mostly for lobbing Molotov cocktails at police. The underground complex had been hewed, foot by foot, beneath the floor of a suburban villa, with no visible traces at street level and only a single entrance, hidden behind a kitchen cabinet.

Creator of rainbow flag, Vietnam-era vet; dead at 65

Stars and Stripes 

Gilbert Baker,creator of the rainbow flag that has become a widely recognized symbol of gay rights has died at age 65. Baker was a soldier stationed in San Francisco who continued to live there after his honorable discharge in 1972.

Hospital struggles with Mosul's injured - and its dead

Stars and Stripes 

The hospital in Qayara sometimes receives so many dead bodies that they do not fit in the refrigerator unit and have to be left in the corridors. Inside the mortuary, the dead are simply put on the floor because there are no containers, sometimes piled one on top of the other in a gruesome fashion and wrapped in a blanket, just as they were brought in.

Destroyer's name honors aviator who tried to save comrade

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Naval aviator Thomas Hudner watched helplessly as a fellow fighter pilot's plane turned into a death trap after a crash landing behind enemy lines during the Korean War. The injured pilot was pinned in the cockpit, unable to escape from the burning plane.

Hawaii's role in WWI recalled

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Dozens of Hawaii officials will head out on two boats from Aloha Tower on Sunday to lay flowers in remembrance of six men from Hawaii whose deaths 100 years ago today at the hands of a German submarine off France was a precursor to the United States entering World War I.

With Trump approval, Pentagon expands warfighting authority

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Week by week, country by country, the Pentagon is quietly seizing more control over warfighting decisions, sending hundreds more troops to war with little public debate and seeking greater authority to battle extremists across the Middle East and Africa.

Under Trump, Pentagon seizing more control over warfighting

Stars and Stripes 

Week by week, country by country, the Pentagon is quietly seizing more control over warfighting decisions, sending hundreds more troops to war with little public debate and seeking greater authority to battle extremists across the Middle East and Africa.

NM senator opposes US boots on the ground in Syria

Stars and Stripes 

U.S. Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico continues to be an outspoken critic of American boots on the ground in Syria. "It is easy to argue that the United States has effectively invaded northern Syria, violating the sovereignty of a country in the Middle East, which is a de facto declaration of war.”

More aggressive US strikes in Somalia put civilians at risk, experts say

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resident Donald Trump's approval of greater U.S. military authority to pursue al-Qaida-linked extremists in Somalia will put civilians further at risk, experts say, especially as drought displaces thousands of people in areas that now will be considered a war zone.

Retired Air Force veteran recounts how dogs have changed his life over the years

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It took 40 years and two tear-soaked bath towels to make retired Air Force veteran Bill Clark realize he had a serious problem. For years, the Pullman resident had suffered flashbacks to his time overseas. watching "Black Hawk Down" about five years ago when something inside him snapped. He bolted from his chair to the bathroom and had a mental breakdown.

Wilson vows to modernize Air Force, boost manpower

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Former U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson pledged to modernize the Air Force and boost its manpower during a mostly amicable Senate confirmation hearing Thursday to consider her nomination to lead the military service branch.

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$172M medical fraud based in South Florida sends 9 people to federal prison

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The fraud, which involved companies based in Boca Raton, Texas and Nevada, targeted private insurance companies and Tricare, a health care program of the U.S. Department of Defense. Tricare provides coverage for active duty members of the military, veterans, retirees and their families.

NC man collects golf balls, clubs for wounded servicemembers

Stars and Stripes 

For the past nine years, 70-year-old Terry Graves has been collecting discarded golf balls and donated clubs that he cleans and donates to troops through the American Red Cross. So far, he’s collected 66,265 balls and 238 sets of clubs.

Radioactive waste from former Ohio military supplier headed to Michigan

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U.S. Ecology's Wayne Disposal hazardous waste landfill in Van Buren Township is proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take low-level radioactive waste as part of a major cleanup of what's known as the Luckey site, a long-shuttered beryllium plant in Luckey, Ohio. The plant supplied the strong, light but highly toxic metal to the U.S. military and Atomic Energy Commission in the 1940s and 1950s.

'Come on down!': Fort Irwin officer wins $10,000 on 'The Price is Right'

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The price was definitely right for Fort Irwin's 1st Lt. Keegan Giles. Given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to "Come on down!" and stand next to Drew Carey on "The Price is Right," Giles won $10,000 as part of the popular television game show's special college rivals-themed episode that aired Friday morning.

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