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Новости за 10.04.2017

Fact Check: Overlooking doubts on Syria chemical weapons

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While it's true that some 1,300 tons of Syria's declared chemical weapons and precursors were removed under a U.S.-Russia agreement, serious concerns always existed that not all such armaments or production facilities were declared and destroyed or otherwise made unusable.

Brief marriage precedes fatal San Bernardino school shooting

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A brief marriage and quick estrangement came before a man walked into his wife's elementary school class and opened fire without saying a word, killing her and an 8-year-old student and wounding a 9-year-old student before fatally shooting himself, authorities said.

Teacher, boy die when husband opens fire in California class

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A husband opened fire on his wife Monday in a San Bernardino elementary school classroom, killing her and a student in a murder-suicide that spread panic across a city still recovering emotionally from a terrorist attack at a community center just 15 months ago.

Murder-suicide suspected as 2 adults killed, 2 students hurt

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Two adults were killed and two students wounded Monday in an apparent murder-suicide inside a San Bernardino elementary school that spread panic across a city still recovering emotionally from a terrorist attack at a community center just 15 months ago.

Southern EU leaders defend US strikes in Syria

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Leaders from seven southern European countries condemned the Syrian regime Monday for its alleged use of chemical weapons and defended the retaliatory U.S. airstrikes.

US forces help repel ISIS attack on southern Syrian base

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U.S. special operators helped repel an Islamic State assault over the weekend on a small outpost in southern Syria where Americans train local forces to help fight the terrorists, Pentagon officials said Monday.

Congress sinks into partisan morass as shutdown threat looms

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Members of Congress are back home for a two-week recess after one of the most bitterly divided and least productive starts in recent history. A new, urgent challenge is waiting for them when they return: finding a way to set aside their anger and mistrust long enough to keep the federal government open.

Abe supports US-Japan cooperation on North Korea

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Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his support for Washington's determination to deter the use of chemical weapons in Syria in a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday morning.

Symantec says CIA tools found across 16 countries

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Computer security company Symantec says the CIA's cyberespionage toolkit made public by WikiLeaks has been linked to 40 spying operations in 16 countries, an early public assessment of the intelligence agency's global hacking operations.

County considers special tax for Trump's Mar-a-Lago visits

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Commissioners in a Florida county are so tired of spending money on President Donald Trump's frequent visits to his Mar-a-Lago resort that some are suggesting a special tax be levied against the property if the federal government doesn't reimburse its costs.

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Trump speaks with Egyptian president on church bombings

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The White House says President Donald Trump has spoken with the Egyptian president following the recent church bombings to express his confidence that Egypt will do what it can "to protect Christians and all Egyptians."

US-backed Syrian fighters pressing ISIS gunmen in north

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U.S.-backed Syrian fighters pushed ahead in their offensive in northern Syria on Monday against members of the Islamic State group under the cover of U.S.-led coalition airstrikes getting closer to a strategic town that is home to the country's largest dam.

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