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Новости за 14.04.2017

North Korea: A potential train wreck in motion

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Threats and bluster are part of a familiar and long-running game of brinksmanship between Washington and Pyongyang, but this time, it has been made more dangerous by two volatile new players — Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump.

Movies on base through April 19

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain and Turkey.

The Great Japan Potato-Chip Crisis: Panic buying, $12 bags

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Demand for potato chips has surged in Japan this week, with products on offer for six times their retail price online after Japanese snack company Calbee halted the sale of some of its most popular chip brands.

Trump strategy on North Korea: 'Maximum pressure and engagement'

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U.S. officials say the president's advisers weighed a range of ideas for how to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear program, including military options and trying to overthrow the isolated communist dictatorship's leadership.

Russia, Iran and Syria issue warning to US

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Russia, Syria and Iran strongly warned the United States Friday against launching new strikes on Syria and called for an international investigation of the chemical weapons attack there that killed nearly 90 people.

Syria's divisions crystallize with latest evacuations

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Thousands of Syrians were bused out of their towns on Friday in the first stage of a widely criticized population transfer that reflects the relentless segregation of Syrian society along political and sectarian lines.

Palestinian stabs UK woman in Jerusalem amid Easter events

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A Palestinian stabbed a young British woman to death in Jerusalem as she traveled on the light rail close to the Old City, which was packed with Christians from around the world celebrating Good Friday and Jews enjoying Passover, police and hospital officials said.

Palestinian stabs UK woman in Jerusalem amid Easter fetes

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A Palestinian man stabbed a young British tourist to death in Jerusalem as she traveled on the light rail close to the Old City, which was packed with Christians celebrating Good Friday and Jews enjoying Passover, police and hospital officials said.

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Decorated Navy SEAL moonlighting as a porn star

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Navy Chief Special Warfare Officer Joseph John Schmidt III has been living dual lives. As a member of the Navy SEALs, the 42-year-old boasts a chest of ribbons and medals during his 23 years in the military, including a valor citation for combat overseas. Schmidt is also Jay Voom, the actor in at least 29 porn flicks.

Man accused in theft of guns arrested in Wisconsin

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A fugitive accused of stealing numerous weapons from a Wisconsin gun store and sending an anti-government manifesto to the White House was arrested Friday after nine days on the run, sheriff's officials said.

Air Force pilot's wild 1951 adventure on Mount Rainier

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By the time the rescue party had reached the summit of Mount Rainier in April 1951, it was too late. On April 12, Air Force Lt. John W. Hodgkin landed his ski-equipped lightweight airplane near Rainier's summit. Stranded near the top of the more than 14,000-feet-high peak, Hodgkin spent the night in below-zero temperatures. Having no idea a rescue party had been dispatched to save him, Hodgkin turned the plane downhill, hopped back in and glided it down the snow.

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