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Новости за 19.04.2017

Austrian town finds its hermit after international search

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A months-long international search by Saalfelden to find a new hermit has ended. Mayor Erich Rohrmoser says officials chose Belgian Stan Vanuytrecht, a former artillery officer, surveyor and a Roman Catholic deacon, because the bearded 58-year-old pipe smoker "emanates calm and comes across as steady."

Nonprofit group commits $30M for new Omaha VA facility

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A nonprofit corporation announced that it's signed an agreement with federal officials to raise $30 million for a new veterans outpatient clinic. Officials said it's the first of five public-private pilot projects nationwide for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

How dangerous air bags can find their way into used cars

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A Nevada crash that nearly killed a young woman has exposed a hole in the government's efforts to get dangerous Takata air bag inflators off the road: There's nothing that prevents the devices from being taken from wrecked cars and reused.

Army tests drone-killing lasers as threat grows on the battlefield

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As Islamic State-piloted commercial drones complicate the offensive in Mosul, sending Iraqi troops scattering as grenades and bomblets rain down, the Army has field tested vehicle-based lasers to combat the growing threat of enemy eyes in the sky.

Utah Rep. Chaffetz says he won't run for re-election

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Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Republican who chairs the House Oversight Committee, says he won't for re-election or any other office in 2018. He has been rumored as a possible candidate for Senate or governor.

Haiti aims to revive military as end of UN mission looms

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As U.N. military peacekeepers prepare for a full exit from Haiti, this small engineering corps is the first wave of this Caribbean nation's efforts to try and revive a military force some 22 years after a national army was disbanded.

After years apart, military father and son catch up in Afghanistan

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Carl B. TenBrink and his son Benjamin have a plate of food each and sit talking beneath a large canopy that blocks the sun on a clear April afternoon. It’s a scene that could be of any backyard barbecue in America, only it’s in Afghanistan.

Trump to keynote US Coast Guard Academy graduates on May 17

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President Donald Trump will deliver the commencement address to graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy next month. It will be Trump's second time addressing graduates during commencement season this year.

Admiral's illicit history with 'Fat Leonard' goes back 20 years, prosecutors say

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The highest-ranking officer convicted so far in a colossal Navy corruption scandal began accepting a cornucopia of gifts and prostitutes from an Asian defense contractor 20 years ago and later suffered a mental breakdown when he learned authorities were making arrests in the case, new court documents allege.

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Смешарики и «Академия Эстрада Тинс» выпустили трек «Попурри»

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Александр Шохин

Было бы сесть предложено // Александр Шохин с почестями принял на своем съезде Владимира Путина

Trump signs extension of VA Choice Program, calls it a ‘good start’

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President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed a bill extending the often-criticized Veterans Choice Program beyond its August 2017 expiration date, a move that Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said would buy him time to work with Congress on program improvements.

Mission to pursue African warlord Kony is declared over

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Uganda's military announced on Wednesday it is ending its pursuit of internationally known warlord Joseph Kony. The news comes shortly after the United States' decision last month to pull out, which left only Uganda in the manhunt.

Trump could learn from Harry Truman

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What these two presidents have in common is the unique experience of coming into the Oval Office facing widespread doubts. What Truman teaches us is that character counts, especially for a president with low initial popularity ratings.

Facebook lets streams of depravity flow freely

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Facebook still hasn’t come to terms with what it really is — a media company where people get their news and which, especially because of the year-old Facebook Live, generates news content.

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