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Новости за 22.04.2017

The history of the first 100 days – and why Trump is right about the 'ridiculous standard'

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The date was July 24, 1933. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was sitting behind a desk in the White House's Diplomatic Reception Room. That day, Roosevelt delivered his third radio address to the people. In his nearly 3,000-word progress report, Roosevelt talked about the achievements of his young presidency – the first 100 days "devoted to the starting of the wheels of the New Deal." Since then, the idea of the "first 100 days" has taken on a life of its own.

Lancers get on base early and often in rout of SHAPE

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Thanks an early injury, SHAPE was forced to put inexperienced players on the mound. They walked Lancer after Lancer. And Lakenheath got plenty of practice stealing bases as well.

5 Indian families, including young children, disappear to join the Islamic State

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The aspiring jihadists began leaving here quietly in May, slipping away in twos and threes to avoid suspicion. By the time their relatives realized they were missing, five families - some with small children - had left their comfortable bungalows and jobs as doctors and businessmen to make the perilous journey to Islamic State-controlled territory in Afghanistan.

One-sided affairs highlight boys soccer action

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Shutout victories for the Kaiserslautern Raiders, Naples Wildcats and Ramstein Royals headlined a busy weekend of DODEA-Europe boys soccer as the European tournament looms just three weeks away.

Raiders cross channel to pick up a sweep

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The wins were the first of the spring for Kaiserslautern. The Raiders had played just one game, a 1-0 loss to rival Ramstein, entering the weekend.

Filipino troops kill 4 suspected militants on resort island

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After a massive manhunt, Philippine forces killed at least four suspected Muslim militants Saturday in a central resort province where troops had foiled possible kidnapping and bombing plots by extremists earlier this month, officials said.

Ryan: Russian election meddling probe will help US allies

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One of the reasons the U.S. Congress has launched an investigation into Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election is to "prevent the same kind of thing happening" to its NATO and other allies, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said Saturday.

Army hoping to entice doctors to the battlefield

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Before aspiring medical school students venture off on careers at hospitals, Army leaders hope to entice them to bring their critical life-saving skills to battlefields across the globe. Medical professionals from 26 universities in the Southeast visited Fort Bragg on a tour for a glimpse of Army medicine — both at installation hospitals and in tents on combat zones. The educational tour is a tool used to connect medical students to careers in the Army.

CENTCOM surveillance footage shows ISIS using human shields

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In the wake of a series of large scale civilian casualty incidents in the anti-Islamic State battle in Iraq and Syria last month, the Pentagon on Friday released a surveillance footage it says shows the coalition's restraint in striking when noncombatants are at risk.

Музыкальные новости
Александр Градский

В Москве семью композитора Градского обязали убрать его машины с парковки концертного зала

Персональные новости

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Trump immigration agency wants to kick 50,000 Haitians out of US

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President Trump's immigration agency is recommending that the U.S. end temporary protections by next January for 50,000 Haitians allowed to remain in the United States following a series of natural disasters that have crippled the poverty-stricken Caribbean nation.

Divisions, protests erupt at German nationalist convention

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Divisions among German nationalists erupted Saturday as delegates from the far-right Alternative for Germany party rejected an appeal by one of their leaders to seek a pragmatic political path instead of turning into a "fundamental opposition" party.

French election could bring a jolt to Western security, no matter who wins

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French voters make their choices Sunday in the first round of the country's utterly unpredictable presidential race. The vote could become yet another convulsive moment for a decades-old international security order that is still wobbling from the turbulence of President Donald Trump.

After Ebola, Liberians slowly embrace mental health care

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Drawn-out deaths. Communities torn apart. Survivor's guilt. Patrick Fallah says his memories of the days when the Ebola virus swept through Liberia are so awful that he sometimes has trouble focusing on the present.

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Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Певец Андрей Губин дал интервью в маске и заявил, что стал очень плохо выглядеть


Подмосковные энергетики перейдут на усиленный режим работы в мае

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