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Новости за 01.02.2017

Your guide to the new 'basic economy' airfares

Stars and Stripes 

The two most important features of the new basic economy airfares to note: on some airlines, you're not allowed to place a bag in the overhead bins (your carry-on item must be small enough to fit safely under the seat in front of you); and because you can't choose a seat in advance, you'll be assigned a seat at check-in or at the gate. But there are other restrictions and rules to note, which I've broken down by airline.

Marines: ground incidents continue to plague aviation readiness

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The number of ground accidents for Marine Corps aircraft has more than doubled over the last five years, costing the Marines thousands of flying hours due to broken aircraft, the head of Marine Corps aviation told reporters Wednesday.

Yosemite adventures: Wawona's blast to the past

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There are few things more breathtaking than that first glimpse of the Yosemite Valley and the sheer majesty of El Capitan. But glorious as that is, it's a mere subset of the national park's 1,162 square miles, which hold acres of trails and rugged wilderness -- and a Victorian blast to the past in Wawona.

Fun Fat Tuesday revelry in places other than New Orleans

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It's Mardi Gras season once again, and while New Orleans is the American epicenter of this festive pre-Lenten celebration, there are plenty of other options for some fantastically fun Fat Tuesday revelry.

US-led coalition: Tough fight ahead to retake western Mosul

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Iraqi security forces are now preparing to attack Islamic State fighters entrenched in western Mosul, a battle that the U.S.-led coalition believes could be more bloody than the monthslong fight to recapture the eastern portion of the city from the militants.

Putin visit to Hungary reveals regional divide over Russia

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A visit by President Vladimir Putin to Hungary this week reveals the vastly different reactions to Putin's Russia in countries formerly under Moscow's yoke, and highlights the very different challenges those countries will face in working with the new U.S. administration.

Petraeus says Trump order is blocking Iraqi general from US

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Former CIA Director David Petraeus says President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees is blocking a senior Iraqi military official from traveling to the U.S. to meet with his American counterparts.

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Group calls for cease-fire amid upsurge in Ukraine fighting

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Freezing residents of an eastern Ukraine town battered by an upsurge in fighting between government troops and Russia-backed rebels flocked to a humanitarian aid center Wednesday to receive food and warm up.

Germany says human rights situation in Libya 'catastrophic'

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A report Sunday by German weekly Welt am Sonntag quoted an internal Foreign Ministry memo describing how migrants face torture and execution at detention camps in Libya. The country has become a key departure point for migrants from Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. Thousands of people died last year when their rickety boats sank en route.

Libya leader offers NATO sea access if it upgrades navy

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Libya's U.N.-backed prime minister said Wednesday NATO or European Union ships could be permitted to operate in Libyan waters alongside the national navy if those organizations help modernize his country's vessels.

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