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Новости за 03.02.2017

Europe plans to cut migrant influx by working with Libya

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European Union leaders at a summit Friday devised a plan involving largely lawless Libya to try to shut down the smuggling of hundreds of thousands of migrants from North Africa across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

GOP can deliver ‘insurance for everybody’

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Trump and the Republican Congress have a remarkable opportunity not only to do away with the ACA and all of its shortcomings but also to put in place reforms that will truly improve our health care system.

The Ukraine flare-up is not just about Putin

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The frozen conflict in eastern Ukraine has flared up again because both the Kremlin and the Kiev government are, to some extent, interested in the escalation as they try to achieve their political goals in a world shaken by President Donald Trump’s approach to guiding U.S. foreign policy.

Trump hits Iran with new sanctions for missile test

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The Trump administration ordered sanctions against more than two dozen people and companies from the Persian Gulf to China Friday in retaliation for Iran's recent ballistic missile test, increasing pressure on Tehran without directly undercutting a landmark nuclear deal with the country.

Lockheed wins $8.2 billion F-35 contract after Trump intervenes

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The White House announced a contract for 90 F-35 jets from Lockheed Martin Corp. valued at as much as $8.2 billion, boasting of savings after President Donald Trump chided that the Pentagon's costliest program was "out of control."

Why border fences are built between neighbors

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Critics of President Donald Trump’s orders to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border have called the plan immoral or question the normalcy of building a barrier against a longtime ally with which the U.S. is at peace. It turns out that Trump’s move is not so unusual.

GOP, Dem combat vets in House plead for refugee exception

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A group of House lawmakers who are military veterans are pleading with President Donald Trump to grant exceptions to his refugee and immigration ban for people who risked their lives to aid U.S. forces in the terror fight.

Soldiers scout hybrid enemy in German countryside

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The pace of life is slow among the rolling hills and quaint villages of northeastern Bavaria, and the only sign that you’re in the right century is the odd TV antenna atop the houses or an American Stryker platoon maneuvering through the winding cobblestone streets.

Falcons coach Dan Quinn wins Salute to Service Award

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Falcons coach Dan Quinn already is a winner this week, two days before the Super Bowl. The second-year head coach in Atlanta has been chosen the Salute to Service Award recipient by the NFL and USAA.

Liberals have no true case against Gorsuch

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Some of them are noting that he is exactly the reasonable and judicious pick he appears to be. Others are working hard to distort his record.

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UN cites 'unprecedented' abuse against Rohingya in Myanmar

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Myanmar security forces are "very likely" to have committed crimes against humanity against Rohingya Muslims in recent months, U.N. human rights investigators said Friday, citing an unprecedented upsurge in violence such as gang rape and brutal killings of children as young as 8 months old, at times before the eyes of their own mothers.

Anti-immigration history repeats itself 100 years later

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Sunday marks the centennial of one of the darkest, most discriminatory immigration turns in American history: the passage of the Immigration Act of 1917. The law banned immigrants from the Asiatic Barred Zone, a region that included Saudi Arabia, most of China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Now, 100 years and 16 presidents later, some see that history repeating itself.

UC grapples with line of free speech and hate speech, with Trump weighing in

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The University of California, Berkeley was just mopping up after what appeared to be a small group of violent protesters from off campus shut down a speech that university leaders had staunchly defended despite hundreds of requests to halt it. Then came the tweet from President Donald Trump: "If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view — NO FEDERAL FUNDS?"

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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Младшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана пошутила, что их сын приемный — как отреагировала звездная мама: «Чисто классика»


Волонтеры Воскресенска приняли участие в акции «День добрых дел»

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