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Новости за 18.02.2017

Trump interviewing candidates to replace the ousted Flynn

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President Donald Trump plans to interview John Bolton, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster while in Florida for the weekend. Finding a new national security adviser has proved challenging.

Iraqi PM: Iraqi troops ready for new Mosul offensive

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Iraqi forces are poised to launch a long-anticipated offensive against the Islamic State group holed up in western Mosul, one of the last bastions of fighters in a city the militant group seized control of three years ago, Iraq Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said.

Sands of Iwo Jima presented to WWII Marine veterans

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Two Marine Corps veterans each held a small vial in their wrinkled hands, inspecting the black, volcanic sand contained inside. "That's the sands of Iwo Jima right there," veteran Bub Harvey said, looking at his vial. "I was right there on that."

WWII sites at Florida airport, Trump club checked for contamination

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When World War II ended, the federal government turned most of its military sites to federal, local or private entities. Several of those sites, including the area in and around Palm Beach International Airport have previously been tested. But state officials returned last month to recheck for contaminants.

Retired Lt. Gen. Hal Moore remembered as great warrior, leader

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“You won’t read or hear of a more beloved and dedicated officer and soldier than Lt. Gen. Moore,” said Gen. Robert Abrams, commander of U.S. Army Forces Command. “He was a combat infantryman known for his courage, bravery and deep love for soldiers.

Bannon wins, as Navy officer rejects national security adviser job

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Retired Vice Adm. Robert Harward rejected President Donald Trump's offer to serve as national security adviser after the White House reportedly refused his request to pick his own team. The former Navy SEAL's decision to turn down the prestigious job highlights how Trump's chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, has entrenched himself as a powerful figure in the White House.

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Блогера Ивлееву оштрафовали на 50 тыс рублей за дискредитацию российской армии

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Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

'It's a spiritual battle of good and evil:' Group believes Islam threatens America

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The lean, 62-year-old Air Force veteran strode into the Texas State Capitol in late January wearing a charcoal-gray pinstripe suit and an American flag tie, with the mission of warning all 181 lawmakers about a Muslim group sponsoring a gathering of Texas Muslims at the Capitol the following day.

Food is harder to find in west Mosul, say fleeing Iraqis

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Iraqi forces, after capturing the east in January, have been gearing up for a final assault on the west that officials say could come at any time. In past weeks, people have been slipping out of the western sector, saying a mix of poverty and low food stocks meant that getting food had become a serious problem.

Russia-Belarus rift grows as Putin loses patience

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In more than two decades in power, the autocratic leader of Belarus has cast his nation as Moscow's closest ally. At the same time, President Alexander Lukashenko has occasionally reached out to the West to win concessions from Moscow. Now, the Kremlin finally seems to have lost patience with its unruly ally, spelling an end to a relationship that has been described as giving away "oil for kisses."

Natural gas leaks from pipeline in Alaska's Cook Inlet

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Natural gas for at least 10 days has leaked from an underwater natural gas pipeline in Alaska's Cook Inlet. The U.S. Coast Guard warned mariners to stay at least 1,000 feet from the bubbling gas. Another federal agency expressed concern over possible adverse effects on marine mammals.

Guantanamo policy is in limbo, waits for Trump

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At Guantanamo last week, guards brought a Yemeni forever prisoner to a prefab trailer and shackled his ankle to the floor so he could talk by videoconference to six bureaucrats sitting in a boardroom near the Pentagon.

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