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Новости за 02.02.2017

Pentagon, White House defend planning in SEAL team raid in Yemen

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The Pentagon and White House on Thursday defended the planning and execution of a U.S. Special Operations raid in Yemen that killed civilians along with a Navy SEAL, saying there was sufficient intelligence to carry it out and that it had been planned for months.

US revises Russia sanctions for electronics exports

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The Trump administration on Thursday revised recent U.S. sanctions that prevented American companies from exporting some electronic equipment to Russia. It also modified penalties on Iran, expanding a list of medical equipment that needs federal authorization to be sold to Iranian customers.

Obama's White House worked on a plan to seize Raqqa. Trump's team deemed it hopelessly inadequate.

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The troubled handoff of one of the United States' most vexing national security problems shows how far the pendulum has swung between two presidents who in many ways are complete opposites. Barack Obama sweated the smallest details of U.S. military and intelligence operations, often to the point of inaction. Donald Trump has made it clear that he prefers to go with his gut and has promised a swift and brutal campaign that will "utterly destroy" the Islamic State.

Pentagon outlines civilian jobs exempt from Trump hiring freeze

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The Pentagon will exempt 16 categories of civilian jobs with direct national security and public safety responsibilities from the federal government hiring freeze instituted by President Donald Trump, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work wrote Wednesday in a memorandum.

US setting up a confrontational approach with Iran

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By putting Iran "on notice," the new U.S. administration is laying the groundwork for a more confrontational approach toward the Islamic Republic. Here are some of the main issues:

VA watchdog: multibillion-dollar program 'cumbersome' for veterans

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An internal watchdog at Veterans Affairs released findings this week confirming what many veterans and lawmakers already knew: The $10 billion Veterans Choice Program created to give veterans access to private health care has been “cumbersome” and “confusing” to use.

Trump's clash with Australia strains alliance

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An irritable tweet President Donald Trump fired off about Australia and a dramatic report of an angry phone call between the nations' leaders proves that the new U.S. commander in chief has changed the playing field for even America's staunchest allies.

Tillerson: Diplomats must be a team despite personal beliefs

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Making his debut as America's global envoy, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought Thursday to reassure U.S. diplomats who are anxious after a turbulent first two weeks of President Donald Trump's presidency. Still, he warned diplomats that unspecified changes would be coming.

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Джиган запретит дочери Ариеле встречаться с определенной категорией парней

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Путешествовать по России в майские праздники будут 2,8 миллиона туристов

EUCOM monitors condemn Russia as violence spikes in Ukraine

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U.S. European Command called for an immediate cease-fire in eastern Ukraine as heavy fighting threatens a larger humanitarian crisis in a country where U.S. forces continue a mission aimed at beefing up the nation’s military forces.

EU chief says bloc capable of cutting Libya migrant route

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Friday's European Union summit will take a big step in closing off the illegal migration route from Libya across the central Mediterranean, where thousands have died trying to reach the EU, the EU chief said.

Will McCain lead the loyal opposition?

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With a six-year term ahead, he is free to go his own way. After 34 years in Congress and two presidential campaigns of his own, he’s a hard man to intimidate.

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