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Новости за 13.02.2017

Trump’s comments about Bergdahl 'disturbing,' judge says

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Disparaging remarks made by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail about accused Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are “disturbing,” the military judge overseeing the soldier’s court-martial said Monday.

As water falls slightly at California dam, next storm looms

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The water level dropped Monday at the nation's tallest dam, easing slightly the fears of a catastrophic spillway collapse that prompted authorities to order nearly 200,000 people to leave their homes downstream.

Trump moves spark Iraqi anger, calls against future alliance

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Reverberations from President Donald Trump's travel ban and other stances are threatening to undermine future U.S.-Iraqi security cooperation, rattling a key alliance that over the past two years has slowly beaten back the Islamic State group.

Taliban suicide attack targeting police at rally kills 13

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A suicide bomber plowed a motorcycle into a group of police escorting a protest rally in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore on Monday, killing at least 13 people and wounding nearly 60 in an attack claimed by a breakaway Taliban faction.

Rights Group accuses Syria of 8 chemical attacks in Aleppo

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A human rights group is accusing the Syrian government of conducting at least eight chemical attacks using chlorine gas on opposition-controlled residential areas during the final months in the battle for Aleppo.

Russian video raises alarm: New Islamic State damage in Syria's Palmyra

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Russia on Monday released footage from one of its drones in Syria, revealing for the first time the latest destruction to the ruins of historic Palmyra since it was recaptured by Islamic State militants, as Syrian government forces pushed ahead on the ground in a new offensive to take the city back.

Taliban hoist flags to build political brand

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Analysts say the Taliban are placing a new emphasis on symbols as a part of a wider attempt to portray themselves as a modern political force, hoisting their flag to stamp their mark on captured territory and flooding social media with videos designed to recruit and motivate a new generation of internet-savvy fighters.

Taliban seek to establish political legitimacy with flags

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Analysts say the Taliban are placing a new emphasis on symbols as a part of a wider attempt to portray themselves as a modern political force, hoisting their flag to stamp their mark on captured territory and flooding social media with videos designed to recruit and motivate a new generation of Internet-savvy fighters.

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Концерт «Стихи войны и мира. Баллада о своих»

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Николай Патрушев

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Canada's Trudeau talks trade with Trump at White House

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A political odd couple, President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resolutely played up their similarities at their first meeting Monday, even as obvious differences lurked behind their public smiles.

Hamas names shadowy militant as new leader in Gaza

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Hamas has named a shadowy militant commander as its new leader in the Gaza Strip, an official media outlet confirmed on Monday, placing one of the Islamic militant group's most hard-line figures in charge of its core power base.

Adele wins top Grammys, but pays tribute to Beyonce

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In an extraordinary moment between the music industry's top female artists, Adele beat Beyonce for three of the top Grammy Awards — then said her competitor deserved at least one of them.

Betsy DeVos will help rescue our schools

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DeVos played a large role in expanding charter schools in Michigan, and critics say the consequences have been awful. That’s false.

Will Trump hold red line with Iran?

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The situation is particularly precarious because after President Barack Obama’s numerous empty threats, the United States has scant credibility as an enforcer, especially in the Middle East.

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