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Новости за 26.02.2017

Joseph Wapner, folksy 'People's Court' judge and WWII combat veteran, dies at 97

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Joseph A. Wapner, a retired California judge whose flinty-folksy style of resolving disputes on the show "The People's Court" helped spawn an entire genre of courtroom-based reality television with no-nonsense jurists and often clueless litigants, died Feb. 26 at his home in Los Angeles. He was 97.

What caused 5-year delay in $34M Air Force centrifuge project?

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The start-up of a $34.4 million pilot training and aerospace research centrifuge later this year at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base will end years of delays for the high-technology and complex project, officials say.

Maintenance needs limit availability of B-1 bomber fleet

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The Air Force’s most maintenance-intensive aircraft isn’t its oldest, or even its stealthiest. It’s the B-1 Lancer, and the bomber needs about 150 hours of maintenance after each flight.

Swimmers leave legacies in EFSL championships

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Stuttgart walked away with a combined medal count of 96 with 37 gold, 37 silver and 22 bronze. The Kaiserslautern Kingfish followed closely with 78 medals: 33 gold, 25 silver and 20 bronze.

Naming airport after Clintons doesn't fly with GOP lawmaker

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With his party now holding all of the levers of power in Arkansas politics, a Republican state lawmaker is pushing to remove the names of the state's most famous Democrats - Bill and Hillary Clinton - from Little Rock's airport.

Syrian warplanes pound rebel-held area in central city

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Government warplanes pounded a rebel-held neighborhood in the central city of Homs on Sunday, killing at least three and wounding dozens, Syrian opposition activists said, and President Bashar Assad's forces pushed ahead in Syria's offensive on the historic central town of Palmyra that is held by the Islamic State group.

Report warns of state money fallout from health law repeal

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A report by the consulting firm Avalere Health concluded that the changes under consideration by the GOP-led House would reduce significantly federal dollars for Medicaid and subsidized private insurance.

Air Force officer's sexual assault sentence called lenient

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An Air Force noncommissioned officer convicted of misconduct with eight women, including three who accused him of sexually assaulting them, was sentenced to three months confinement and another month of hard labor, a punishment a victims' rights advocate called "shockingly light."

Hawaii bill would require draft sign-up for college men

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Senate Bill 419 would require males between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for the selective service upon enrolling in a state-supported college, including community colleges, education centers, or any branch of the University of Hawaii.

Egypt says near meeting Russia's airport security demands

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Egyptian officials said Sunday they were inching closer to meeting all demands set by Russia on airport security to resume flights to Egypt, suspended after militants from a local affiliate of the Islamic State group downed a Russian airliner 15 months ago over the Sinai Peninsula.

Russians march to remember slain opposition leader Nemtsov

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Thousands of Russians marched through Moscow on Sunday shouting slogans including "Russia will be free!" and "Putin is war!" to mark two years since opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down outside the Kremlin.

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Тимати высмеял Джигана: "Не собьется, будет уже круто"

Персональные новости

Тренер "Спартака" Слишкович заявил, что доволен ничейной игрой против ЦСКА

S. Carolina law makes it tough to lower Confederate flags

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In the aftermath of the racially motivated Charleston church slayings in 2015, the Confederate flag was removed from the South Carolina Statehouse during an elaborate nationally televised ceremony.

Save or splurge? Making the most of your tax refund

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Tax refund time is here. Last year the IRS issued 111 million refunds, with an average refund of $2,860. More than 70 percent of taxpayers will get refunds this year, the IRS estimates.

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WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира


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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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