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Stars and Stripes

Новости за 16.02.2017

Army sending new brigade of 500 soldiers to Fort Benning

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The new brigade will specialize in training, advising and assisting the military forces of U.S. allies. Last week, the Pentagon announced Fort Benning will also add a headquarters for security force assistance missions and a training academy for military advisers.

Thornberry: Politics hid depth of readiness crisis until now

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The House Armed Services Committee heard bracing testimony last week from the vice chiefs of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps on how training, equipment, personnel strength and overall readiness have reached crisis levels.

White House taps billionaire to head intelligence review

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The Trump administration asked the founder of a New York-based private equity firm to lead a review of the intelligence community as President Donald Trump vows to crack down on what he describes as "illegal leaks" of classified information.

Trump administration says it will revise travel ban

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President Donald Trump's administration said in court documents on Thursday it does not want a larger appellate panel to review a ruling keeping its travel ban on hold and will instead replace the ban.

Georgia changes management of veterans training center

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Central Georgia Technical College will take over management of the Veterans Education Career Transition Resource Center, effective July 1. It has been managed by Middle Georgia State University in partnership with Central Georgia Technical College.

Defense experts caution lawmakers about US ability to fight and win wars

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A panel of defense experts on Thursday raised concern over Russia and China’s ability to match and contest U.S. military power in the next decade, focusing on issues ranging from advanced Russian guided munitions to the Pentagon’s personnel shortfalls.

Low-flying military plane stirs concern in Clarence, New York

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A crew from the Air Force Reserve's 914th Airlift Wing was on a low-level training mission when there was an engine malfunction and the plane had to return to the base in Niagara County, said Lt. Col. Andrea E. Pitruzzella.

NATO seeks to boost Black Sea presence and cyber defenses

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NATO agreed on Thursday to bolster its presence in the Black Sea in the latest expansion of alliance forces across a strategic region where allies have steadily added ground forces and air power, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.

US servicemember accused of attempted murder, rape in Portugal

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Portuguese prosecutors have brought charges of attempted murder, rape, abduction and assault against an American servicemembers stationed at the Lajes Field U.S. Air Force base in Portugal's mid-Atlantic Azores Islands.

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DODEA Europe student chefs put cooking chops to the test

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The annual culinary competition has been a tradition in DODEA Europe for more than a half-dozen years, offering students in Culinary I or Culinary II — the latter being the second year of instruction in kitchen and restaurant operations — a chance to test their kitchen chops in a competition rivaling the intensity of reality cooking shows.

The ’Hidden Figures’ screenwriter had NASA in her blood

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NASA has been part of “Hidden Figures” screenwriter Allison Schroeder’s life for as long as she can remember. Not only did a childhood near Cape Canaveral mean that the space program was an ever-present reality — fire drills in school were timed so the kids could see the launches and the Challenger explosion was one of her earliest memories — it’s also in her DNA.

At Bonn metting, Saudis voice optimism about relations with US under Trump

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Saudi Arabia's foreign minister says his country expects to have a productive relationship with the Trump administration and is optimistic that U.S.-Saudi cooperation can overcome challenges in the Middle East. Jubeir made the comments on Thursday at the top of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Alom Dee brings spicy Thai fare to Landstuhl

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Alom Dee, a Thai restaurant and sushi bar, doesn’t look like much from the outside. Or the inside. Good thing the bare interior and worn wooden tables of the cafe in Landstuhl, Germany, aren’t on the menu. Just about everything else is, though. The expansive menu is the size of a small book.

North Korea and its long history of using female spies

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A South Korean passenger plane that exploded off the coast of Southeast Asia. Army officers lured into sexual encounters. A secret agent spirited back to North Korea in a tiny submarine. North Korea has a long history of dispatching female spies on some of its most dangerous and deadly assignments.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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