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Новости за 28.02.2017

Trump's defense spending push may start with Boeing Super Hornet

Stars and Stripes 

President Donald Trump's push to increase defense spending is starting with a $30 billion amendment to this year's budget that may boost funding for war supplies, readiness and depots, but also possibly for Boeing's Super Hornet jet, according to officials.

Turkey said to seek US support to attack Islamic State stronghold in Syria

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Turkey is seeking U.S. support to lead a ground offensive against Islamic State's main stronghold in Syria, a Turkish official said, a move that could give President Recep Tayyip Erdogan more influence in the conflict and undermine Kurdish groups linked to separatists he's fighting at home.

The strange life, and sudden death, of a North Korean exile

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The heavy-set man got out of a taxi one night last September and headed for the lobby bar of the swank Wynn Macau — a quiet place, where women are often in evening dresses and gamblers can relax with $300 Cuban cigars. He was dressed casually. There were no bodyguards, no flashy women. It wasn't what you'd expect of a man once tipped to be the next dictator of North Korea.

US Air Force weighs buying throwback 'light-attack' planes

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Faced with a potentially protracted war against the Islamic State, aging fighter jets and a shrinking force of pilots, the U.S. Air Force is examining the adoption of a new fleet of "light-attack" planes.

German police say suspected Islamist extremist was once neo-Nazi

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Last week, German police arrested a 26-year-old man on suspicion of plotting an Islamist-inspired attack. The man, identified only as "Sascha L.," is accused of plotting to lure police officers and soldiers into a trap. When authorities searched his apartment in Northeim, Lower Saxony, they found chemicals and electronics that could be used to make explosives.

Navy missile defense site in Hawaii might harness sun

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The Navy wants to power up what could be one of the largest solar farms in the state at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, where ongoing missile testing requires unwavering power for flight tests that process huge amounts of data.

Russia, China UN resolution on Syria sanctions

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Russia and China have vetoed a Western-backed U.N. resolution that would have imposed sanctions on 21 Syrian individuals, organizations and companies allegedly involved in chemical weapons attacks in the war-ravaged country.

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USS Bataan deployment delayed a day for minor engineering issue

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The Bataan was initially scheduled to depart from Norfolk Naval Station Tuesday but will instead leave Wednesday. Other ships in the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group left Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia Beach on Saturday.

Grandmother fighting for veterans benefits as she raises orphaned child

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Bella Bulmer’s dad died in his Army barracks, killed by a stranger. Her mother, Beth Bulmer, died almost exactly eight years later on a dark Tulare County road in California, the victim of a still-unsolved hit-and-run. Now, the 55-year-old grandmother who’s raising Bella in California fights for veterans benefits while she hopes for a break in the case that haunts her.

Probe of US-based Turk hacker leads to Austrian intel fight

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Austria's intelligence services on Tuesday confirmed a news report that they have tracked down a U.S.-based Turkish hacker who attacked several government websites. The report in the daily Kurier cited the military intelligence service as saying that a Turkish activist directed the attacks from his home in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

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