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Новости за 05.02.2017

Iran says shipment will boost its supply of uranium

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Iran's nuclear chief says it will have 60 percent more stockpiled uranium than it did prior to the landmark 2015 agreement with world powers after a shipment expected later this week.

Romanian protesters get key concession, seek more changes

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The largest anti-government crowds since the violent 1989 revolution that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu succeeded Sunday in pressuring Romania's new government to repeal a hastily adopted decree that would have eased penalties for official corruption.

Despite White House warning, Israel pushes settlement bill

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Israel's prime minister is moving ahead with a contentious law that would legalize dozens of settlement outposts in the West Bank, despite claims by experts that the bill itself is illegal and a warning from the White House that settlement construction "may not be helpful."

White House predicts courts will reinstate travel ban

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The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco instead asked both the state of Washington and the Trump administration early Sunday to file more arguments by Monday afternoon.

Iran holds military exercises in response to US sanctions

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Iran on Saturday began massive military exercises in a defiant response to a week of warnings from the Trump administration, including new sanctions, with a senior Iranian military commander calling the actions "futile" and threatening to "rain" missiles down on the country's enemies.

82nd podcast: Triple Nickles remembered

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With Black History Month underway, the 82nd Airborne Division's All American Legacy podcast is jumping ahead in the historic unit's timeline to tell the story of one of the nation's most famous African American military units.

What happened the night a US commando was killed in combat

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It was past midnight on a moonless night in central Yemen, and Ahmad Jawfi was preparing to go to sleep when he heard the dull buzz of drones overhead. Soon, a military operation unfolded that left 14 al-Qaida fighters dead and took the lives of at least 11 women and children and one U.S. commando.

Trump administration hiring freeze raises questions about staffing new VA hospital in New Orleans

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When the gleaming new VA Medical Center opened its doors in November, officials boasted of an army of 2,500 doctors, nurses and support staff who would provide patients with cutting-edge medical care. But a federal hiring freeze instituted in the first days of President Donald Trump’s administration has cast a shadow over plans to fill 1,000 of those positions over the next year.

Trump Cabinet pick paid by 'cult-like' Iranian exile group

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An official in U.S. President Donald Trump's Cabinet and at least one of his advisers gave paid speeches for an Iranian exile group that killed Americans before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, ran donation scams and saw its members set themselves on fire over the arrest of their leader.

Education benefits, desire to serve still attract Iowans to National Guard

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Patriotic fervor may have ebbed, but Iowa Army National Guard Maj. Gen. Timothy Orr says young Iowans still join the Guard out of a desire to serve their state and nation — as well as the age-old “see the world” motivation that inspired previous generations.

Unpredictable Trump foreign policy may test US spy alliances

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Donald Trump's unpredictable foreign policy could hamper long-standing U.S. intelligence-sharing partnerships as countries react to a president who seeks closer ties to Russia and is unafraid to offend American allies by cracking down on immigration or getting angry with friendly leaders.

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