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Новости за 08.02.2017

Soldier welcomes Afghan translator to US with bear hug

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Former U.S. Army interpreter Qismat Amin waited nearly four years for his special immigrant visa. He lived in hiding after receiving death threats from the Taliban for helping American troops.

No decision yet on arming Kurds to fight Islamic State, Trump tells Turkish leader

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sought to convince President Donald Trump in a telephone call that arming Kurdish fighters in Syria to fight the Islamic State would be counterproductive to the military effort and damaging to already strained ties between the United States and Turkey, Turkish and American officials said Wednesday.

Guantanamo detainee tells Obama 9/11 was America’s fault

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The suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks wrote former President Barack Obama in a long suppressed letter that America brought the 9/11 attacks on itself for years of foreign policy that killed innocent people across the world.

Alleged mastermind tells Obama 9/11 was America’s fault

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The alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks wrote former President Barack Obama in a long suppressed letter that America brought the 9/11 attacks on itself for years of foreign policy that killed innocent people across the world.

Trump's assertions echo site filled with tales of dark plots

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President Donald Trump's assertion that the media often fails to cover terrorist attacks is false, but he's hardly alone in making the claim. The statement is just the latest by Trump to echo a website known for trafficking in dubious allegations of plots and cover-ups.

Trump's list of underreported terror doesn't back up claim

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The list itself was created to bolster the case for Trump's executive order restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries and suspending the U.S. refugee program. But that ban would not have prevented any of the terrorist attacks on the list that occurred in the United States. Here's a closer look at some of the attacks on the list:

GAO: Technology is a 'high risk' area for VA

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A House committee pledged Tuesday to closely oversee changes in technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs, after the agency has spent billions of dollars in recent years patching a decades-old system.

Should you still be worried about Zika?

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For the last few months, Zika has been out of sight and out of mind. Does that mean you should stop worrying about it? Here's what the experts have to say.

Air Force vet Martha Williamson Frye known as trailblazer

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Martha E. Williamson Frye of Latrobe died of cancer Sunday. She was 81. She spent the Korean War as a communication specialist with the Air Force until her marriage. But she never gave up the military lifestyle.

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Смешарики и «Академия Эстрада Тинс» выпустили трек «Попурри»

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Александр Бастрыкин

В аварийном доме в Забайкалье, которым интересовался Бастрыкин, заколотили подъезды

He had a criminal record, was deported 7 times and kept coming back

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Amid the escalating national clash over immigration, new cases have emerged in federal court in South Florida showing how five undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala, all with criminal records, had been previously deported and returned undetected across the southwest border.

US Secret Service trains Estonia to handle cyber threats

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Estonia has teamed up with the U.S. Secret Service ahead of its first European Union presidency to train local officials to handle cyber threats - the greatest of which comes from Russia, according to the nation's foreign intelligence service.

Bureaucrats under Trump face a crisis of legitimacy

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As a populist with big ambitions, Trump needs a powerful administrative state to accomplish the things he wants to accomplish. But after campaigning largely on resentment of the political and bureaucratic elite, he arrived in Washington at war with his own government.

How Trump learned to love Lockheed’s F-35

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there is a silver lining to Trump’s ill-informed tweeting. It does put the military and prime contractors on notice that the new president isn’t taking anything for granted in terms of what has been a far-too-cozy producer-customer relationship for decades.

Спорт в России и мире

Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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Елена Рыбакина

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